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Pepsi Evaluation of Company

Pepsi Evaluation of Company
Scenario: The email you drafted was successful and generated a great deal of interest;
in fact, after some skillful negotiation and an extended dialogue, you were able to
secure a job at the company you initially emailed. As a result, now enjoy a number of
friendships with some very interesting co-workers, one of whom being Milton. Because
of your collective and functional efforts, this company you work for has outperformed the
market considerably. As a result, the company is now considering investing significant
capital into another business, but there is some debate within your company as to which
business should be funded. As a result, you have been asked (because of your
impressive composition skills) to create a report that evaluates, significantly, another
company. Select any company you wish (with the exceptions of Costco, Tesla,
Microsoft, Nike, Starbucks — you may use Peet’s Coffee or some other coffee shop, and
Google), but select a company you are interested in because this company will be your
focus for assignments two AND three (and quite possibly assignment four). While
considering which company you would like to research, you should think carefully about
researching a small to mid size company because you may find that the larger Fortune
500 companies can be unwieldy. Once you choose a company, evaluate that company
as you see fit. This short report will require a title page (that does NOT count towards
the word total) and an executive summary. Consider chapter nine in Business
Communication as you create your report, and rely heavily on the suggestions in
chapter nine for formatting. This report will NOT be MLA formatted; instead, you will
place page numbers in the lower right hand corner (with no affiliated name). The pages
leading up to and including the Table of Contents (Title Page, Executive Summary, and
Table of Contents — in that order) must have lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii) in the
lower right hand corner. The first page is your title page, and you include a title, “date,”
“prepared for” (professor’s name), “written for” (TA’s name), “prepared by” (student’s
name), problem statement, and purpose statement. You will then need an Executive
Summary that outlines your categories, sources for research, justification of categories/
sources, and general recommendations. The page after the Executive Summary will be
your Table of Contents, which should include all categories, sub-categories, and visuals
(with page numbers). After the Table of Contents, you will begin the body of your essay
with your primary text, and you begin the body of the essay with arabic numerals (1, 2,
3 . . . ), again in the lower right hand corner (wtih no affiliated name). You must cite all
sources (including yourself if you used material generated previously) using MLA format
(both in text and in a “works cited” page at the end of the report). Generate discrete
categories for evaluation (categories and sub-categories), and provide a supplemental
table of contents (does NOT count towards the word total) for the report. Consider all
aspects you feel are relevant. The evaluation could investigate any of the following
aspects, or, for those who are particularly creative, you can develop your own
categories: business strategies, quality concerns with the product, labor practices,
business ethics, market share, advertising strategies, Internet and cyber presence,
product presence in the general marketplace, financial standings, research and
development, growth, or any other aspects of the company you feel are relevant. Two
or three categories should be considered extensively, and research is expected. All
essays should provide an ultimate and general evaluation of the company in question,
but strong essays will provide nuanced considerations of different categories and
explain how those varied individual evaluations interrelate to each category.
Begin by carefully reviewing and considering chapters eight and nine in the Rentz.
Also, consider any lectures and discussions that pertain to the topic of reports.
Continue by pursuing all avenues of research from formal articles and analyses at The
Rivera Library (you may wish to consider FACTIVA, for example) to the primary analysis
of web sites or individual products. Reserve drawing a final evaluation until you have
conducted your research and fully contemplated the company under review. In other
words, let the research guide your evaluation. Do not be married to a position and then
attempt to justify the analysis of that position. You may be surprised about what you
learn as you begin to dig into the company you are evaluating. Remember, this report
does have a persuasive aspect connected to it, so you should consider audience and
think about strategies to persuade your audience that your insight is logical, factual,
unbiased, and thoughtful.
