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Pop-Culture Worldview Buffet

Topic: Pop-Culture Worldview Buffet
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Pop-Culture Worldview Buffet
The writer must be engaged the process, and that you allowed yourself adequate time to complete it in a superior fashion.
Review 3 Films (The Matrix Trilogy 1999, 2003)
Watch three films in their entirety. Write a 5-7 page worldview reflection based on these films. Note: I want you to find three films that all espouse the same worldview in pop culture.
? Discuss the context (examples: lyrical content, plot, venue, genre, etc.).
? What worldviews are represented? Who is the target audience (why?)?
? What are the cultural responses of the target audience (positive and negative)?
? What is your opinion of the films (Address the film in light of your worldview)
? Include both a cover and work cited page.
