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Post implementation review

Post implementation review
Develop a post-implementation report of you’ completed project in a narrative format
by doing the following:

A Summay: Summarize the actual development of the completed project.

8. Review of Other Work: Provide a review of three additional works on you’ topic (not
referenced in task 2) that supported the actual development of this project.

Note: These other works may include interviews, white papers, research studies, or
other types of work by industry profeesionals.

0. Changes to Project Environment: Describe the changes made to the project
environment by the implementation of you’ project.

D. Methodology: Explain how you applied a standad project management
methodology for the implementation of you’ project.

E. Project Goals and Objectives: Explain how some goals and objectives were met
and why some goals and objectives for you’ project were not accomplished.

F. Project Timeline: Explain why you did or did not meet the timeframes set for you’
project, including any differences between the projected dates and the actual
completion dates.

G. Unanticipated Requirements: Explain any unanticipated requirements or
components and how you resolved them.

H. Conclusion: Discuss actual results and potential effects of the completed project.
I. Project Deliverables: Include atifacts showing evidence of project completion.

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