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Home / Essays / Preparing for the Future in HCO’s (health care organizations): hospital expansions to accomodate more patients

Preparing for the Future in HCO’s (health care organizations): hospital expansions to accomodate more patients

Preparing for the Future in HCO’s (health care organizations): hospital expansions to accomodate more patients

Students will write a scholarly, in-depth analysis of a current challenge facing health care administrators today. Your research should be based on significant sources (5 or more) outside the text used for this class. You should 1) present the topic, 2) educate your reader on any technical aspects necessary for your reader to understand the problem, and 3) provide an analysis of the issues and challenges facing health care administrators. The paper should be in the range of 8-10 pages and written in APA format (Requirements below). All sources used in your research should be included in a bibliography at the end of the paper, and all citations should be appropriately noted.
Page count does NOT include title page, reference page(s), graphs/charts/pictures and excessive “white space”.
