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Professional Certifications

Please respond to (6) other students’ discussion posts. You may agree or disagree with their posting. Or you can add something to their answer, but please remember to be respectful; you are just writing what you think about what reading their post for the week. It will be just like a sit in class discussion with you the teacher and the other students. You can put all answers two pages of work. Also answer the questions with the student’s name instead of just saying student”.
No sources are needed. I have provided an example of how to respond to student post at the bottom of the page in discussion question two.

Professional Certifications” Please respond to the following:
• Describe the information system job that you would like to hold. Identify which certifications you will need or will be helpful to perform the job and explain your reasoning.
• Explain why you should not measure your value or abilities only by the number of certifications you hold.
Question # 1 Justin g.
The job I would like to hold would be a system security analyst and would require me to acquire the Certified Information System Security Professional certification. I believe such certification would enable and help promote the degree in which I procure and ensure that I am within regulation and better understanding of systems from a professional approach. I do not believe that such certifications should be arduously retested yearly but perhaps every five years to ensure the individual is up to “par”.
I wouldn’t measure value or abilities by the number of certifications one holds due to it undercutting experience and professionalism. Such an individual with the required certifications may not know how to conduct theirself accordingly in the work place or operate well with stress and deadlines. There are a lot of factors and variables which can account and come into play
Question #2 David h.
I already work a great job, on the same type of equipment that is familiar to me from the Marine Corps. There are no certificates required, OJT is sufficient. There is a router in there architecture, so a CCNA would be beneficial. Going forward a PMP would help for advanced positions.
Possessing a large quantity of certificates would ordinarily be a great thing, however if a person is a new hire then they aren’t aware of the idiosyncrasies of your network. This can only be attained through OJT and experience (old age and treachery will always overcome youth and exuberance). A younger person that has time on their hands to study the tests and get the certs may not be able to perform in a work environment on unfamiliar platforms. In other words, they are an untested entity. It may be more beneficial to hire an older person who has been around for awhile with stellar performance, and less certificates
“Compliance Laws” Please respond to the following:
• From the e-Activity, describe the situation where the company was noncompliant and the ramifications to the company and the stakeholders.
• Describe the steps and actions that should have been taken in order to maintain compliancy with the law.
Question #3 David h.

In April of 2011 Sony’s PlayStation network was hacked, and this resulted in Sony taking their services offline for several weeks. Initially is was reported that over 70 million user accounts were accessed and 70 million credit card numbers lost, but later it was discovered that an old file from 2007 had been taken and contained 12,700 credit card numbers, 900 of wich were still valid. The card numbers had been converted to a hash file, but were not encrypted, a violation of the FISMA laws concerning PII. The costs to Sony are estimated at 171 million dollars, and there was a class action lawsuit filed for over a billion dollars that recently has been largely dismissed.
Many PlayStation users moved to other networks such as Xbox, due to the six week blackout by Sony. Many gamers are concerned with using the PlayStation store as Sony has failed to retain their trust.
As the FISMA laws went into effect in 2002, there really isn’t any reason why Sony did not comply with policies in place and encrypt the file. Also many speculate that a server was using outdated software and that is where the vulnerability existed. http://blog.tenablesecurity.com/2011/05/sony-compliance-lessons-learned.html
Steps to remain compliant include performing self assessments and security checks. This website from Wells Fargo goes into detail how to use best practises to ensure compliance. https://www.wellsfargo.com/biz/merchant/service/manage/risk/security The fines and loss of reputation for a breach and non-compliance labelling can far exceed the costs of prevention.
The number of attacks are on the rise, and the monetary damages can be quite large. While researching the Sony attack I found this site documenting a survey performed capturing financial costs resulting from hackers http://www.psfinc.com/press/data-liability-challenges-facing-employers
Question # Pavitar

From the e-Activity, describe the situation where the company was noncompliant and the ramifications to the company and the stakeholders.

“On December 6, 2012, California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, a lawsuit against Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”) for violations of the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”). The suit, which the Attorney General filed in the San Francisco Superior Court, alleges that Delta failed to conspicuously post a privacy policy within Delta’s “Fly Delta” mobile application to inform users of what personally identifiable information is collected and how it is being used by the company. CalOPPA requires “an operator of a commercial Web site or online service that collects personally identifiable information through the Internet about individual consumers residing in California who use or visit its commercial Web site or online service,” such as a mobile application, to post a privacy policy that contains the elements set out in CalOPPA. According to Attorney General Harris’ complaint, Delta has operated the “Fly Delta” application for smartphones and other electronic devices since at least 2010. The complaint alleges that “[d]espite collecting substantial personally identifiable information (“PII”) such as user’s full name, telephone number, email address, frequent flyer account number and PIN code, photographs, and geo-location, the Fly Delta application does not have a privacy policy. It does not have a privacy policy in the application itself, in the platform stores from which the application may be downloaded, or on Delta’s website.”


Describe the steps and actions that should have been taken in order to maintain compliancy with the law

they should not ask for the email address or account number and other personal information. there should be a lock on how much information can the application accept to log in or search.
What do you consider to be the major advantages and disadvantages of globalization? What measures might be implemented to alleviate those disadvantages?
Some social scientists and policy makers insist that one disadvantage is environmental losses. If you were the leader of a developing nation, what criteria might you use to determine whether or not the economic benefits of a particular development porject were worth the environmental costs?
Question #5 Michael n.
What do you consider to be the major advantages and disadvantages of globalization? What measures might be implemented to alleviate those
A Global economy would benefit larger more stable countries like our own with the expanded trade and consumer base for more revenue opportunity. Smaller LDC might not find it necessary to deal on a global scale but depending on there strongest resources and who would be there primary consumer this may make it necessary to deal in a global environment to expand their own economy. After all trade on a large scale has always helped us grow to the power that we are. We need to have a group of nations like the UN to settle the crimes and greedy tricks that large corperation place on this global market so that no one person is pushed out because they could not compete. As we have seen with many trade tariffs they can destroy a fledgling market in a country to become profitable like cotton in Africa verses the US.

Some social scientists and policy makers insist that one disadvantage is environmental losses. If you were the leader of
a developing nation, what criteria might you use to determine whether or not the economic benefits of a particular development porject were
worth the environmental costs? Here as well as above we will need to protect the planet on a global scale as well like the EPA in the US we need to keep these new coutries from following down the same path we went in early industrialization to avoid the kinds of damage we cannot reverse. If these new countries do not atleast keep the envirmental damage in there mind we should senture them and make them see that it will not be profitable to continue in this way. Also we should share all technologies we have used to minimize the damage that large scale production often places on the environment.
Question #6
Globalization is often polarized with some believing that globalization has great benefits including freeing multinational corporations from governmental restrictions and revolutionizing markets. However, others believe that there are far more disadvantages including homogenizing cultures and societies, damage to the environment, and exploitation of LDCs. Furthermore, some would argue that this exploitation of LDCs through the use of multinational corporations can both be positive or negative in that without them there wouldn’t be these jobs, but with them workers are not being paid what they would be if living in a developed nation. I’m glad that you brought up the negative effects that globalization can have on the environments as one of the disadvantages. Although environmental laws are in place to help lessen the damage to the environment, it would be much easier to bypass these laws due to globalization.
