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Program evaluation

Program evaluation
Assignment #2. Developing Indicators

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to translate the concepts from your conceptual framework in assignment 1 into measurable indicators.

Word limits: 600 words


1)If necessary, students can make changes in the conceptual framework that you submitted for assignment 1 based on the comments you received from instructor.

2)Keep and submit your conceptual framework (original or modified) as part of this assignment.

3)List indicators that you propose to measure, based on the conceptual framework. Each indicator should measure some aspect of a concept shown in the conceptual framework. Also, for each indicator, list a source of data (one source only, even if multiple sources exist).

4)Present the indicators in a table with a self-explanatory title and four columns with the following information: i) Concept (e.g., knowledge), ii) Specific indicator, iii) Operational description of the indicator, if not clear from the name, and iv) Source of data

5)In some cases, the title of the indicator fully explains what will be measured (e.g., age of respondent, gender). For others, it is important to include an operational definition to explain how you will measure the concept. For example, gender equity is a good concept, but it requires some explanation of how you would measure it (for example, male/female ratio for primary school enrollment). Note: a given indicator does not have to measure all aspects of the concept, but rather some aspect of it.

6)The indicator should not specify the intended direction of change (an increase in X; a decrease in Y). Rather, it should measure the concept or factor you expect to change; for example: the percent of males 15-24 that do X).
