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Answer the four questions below. Type each question at the top of a new page and include your name. Double space and include 1 inch margins. Each answer should be about 1/2 – 1 page in length and should answer the question completely. These questions are taken from the material covered in the course Lessons. Remember, this is a writing course, so proper grammar, punctuation, word choice count!
This final exam is worth 100 points of your final grade.
1. What is the purpose of a proposal? Explain how it is done, what should be included and describe the steps you would take

2. Describe three types of arguments (deductive, inductive and analogical) and relate when each might be used. (25 points)

3. What is involved in the three levels (across the document, paragraph, sentence) of the revision process. Elaborate on things you should do at each level. (25 points)

4. Explain three things you should consider when making an oral presentation. Note: Have a beginning, middle and end, would be considered one thing.

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