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1. At depths below the carbonate compensation depth, calcareous oozes ____.

a. accumulate more readily due to increased alkalinity and decreased temperatures

b. fail to accumulate due to increased acidity and decreased temperature
c. accumulate more readily due to increased acidity and decreased temperatures

d. fail to accumulate due to increased alkalinity and decreased temperature
1 points
Question 2
1. Manganese nodules are the result of extremely slow rate chemical reactions that take place on the deep ocean floor. An average rate of growth for these nodules is roughly ____ millimeters per year.

a. 5 ? 105

b. 5 ? 10-3

c. 5 ? 102

d. 5 ? 10-6
1 points
Question 3
1. Which of the following has the greatest average sediment thickness?

a. abyssal plain

b. continental shelf

c. continental rise

d. continental slope
1 points
Question 4
1. Which sediment type covers the greatest area of deep-ocean bottom, such as on the abyssal plain?

a. hydrogenous

b. Terrigenous

c. Biogenous

d. Cosmogenous
1 points
Question 5
1. The ocean and some continental land masses are over 4 billion years old. How old are the oldest marine sediments?

a. About 180 million years old

b. More than 4 billion years old

c. About 1 billion years old

d. Less than 1 million years old
1 points
Question 6
1. Fine particles of sediment can be classified as: sand, silt or clay. These particles are defined by ____.

a. their origin

b. their size

c. none of above

d. their color
1 points
Question 7
1. Sediments with a mixture of sizes are known as ____.

a. well-sorted sediments

b. silt

c. poorly sorted sediments

d. well-transported sediments
1 points
Question 8
1. Which one of the following types of sediment covers the least amount of the ocean floor?

a. Cosmogenous

b. Biogenous

c. Terrigenous

d. Hydrogenous
1 points
Question 9
1. Calcareous and siliceous oozes are ____.

a. Biogenous

b. Terrigenous

c. Hydrogenous

d. Cosmogenous
1 points
Question 10
1. The rocks of Earth’s crust are made up of ____.

a. organic compounds

b. minerals

c. methyl hydrates

d. all of the above
1 points
Question 11
1. Biogenous sediments are most abundant ____.

a. all of above

b. in areas of upwelling

c. in areas of downwelling

d. near continental margins and in areas of upwelling.

e. near continental margins
1 points
Question 12
1. Occasionally cosmogenous sediments includes translucent oblong particles of glass known as ____.

a. foraminiferan

b. radiolarian

c. macrotektites

d. microtektites
1 points
Question 13
1. Sediments of the continental slope, continental rise, and the deep ocean floor that originate in the ocean are called ____.

a. netritic sediments

b. pelagic sediments

c. well-sorted sediments

d. poorly sorted sediments
1 points
Question 14
1. A dilute mixture of sediment and water that periodically rushes down the continental slope is a ____.

a. diatom

b. nodule

c. evaporite

d. turbidity current
1 points
Question 15
1. Calcareous ooze is formed from shells of ____.

a. coccolithopres

b. diatoms

c. foraminifera

d. foraminifera and coccolithophores

e. radiorarian
1 points
Question 16
1. Shells of single-celled algae called diatoms form ____.

a. siliceous ooze

b. calcareous ooze

c. none of above
1 points
Question 17
1. Evaporites are ____ deposits that include salts that precipitate from water that evaporates from isolated arms of the ocean or form landlocked seas or lakes.

a. Terrigenous

b. Cosmogenous

c. Biogenous

d. Hydrogenous
1 points
Question 18
1. Which of the following is the second most valuable physical marine resource?

a. Oil & gas

1. At depths below the carbonate compensation depth, calcareous oozes ____.

a. accumulate more readily due to increased alkalinity and decreased temperatures

b. fail to accumulate due to increased acidity and decreased temperature

b. Methyl hydrate

c. Sand & Gravel
1 points
Question 19
1. Marine sediments on the ocean floor are as old as four billion years, the same age as the ocean itself.
Answer True
1 points
Question 20
1. Terrigenous sediments are the most abundant. The largest terrigenous deposits are found near continental margins.
Answer True
