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Please answer the following questions (about ½ page each question):
A. Pre-Attack techniques

1. From the first e-Activity, identify technology or methods that can be implemented by an organization to prevent a hacking attack. Describe the reasons why all organizations haven’t implemented these defensive tactics already.

2. Speculate whether pre-attack techniques are controllable from an organization’s perspective.

B. Encryption

1. Describe at least two technologies that use encryption and provide examples on how these protect security.

2. Explain what risks are present if the data is not encrypted. Give information on other industry-wide accepted encryption methods.

C. Value

1. Assess Business Continuity Plan (BCP) as a process that adds business value. Give your opinion on whether or not the argument that states BCP adds value is a credible argument. Explain why or why not.

2. Speculate the strategic values that could be realized by having an effective BCP. Provide a rationale for your answer.

D. Cloud Computing

1. Evaluate the benefits of cloud computing for modern and legacy organizations looking to migrate to the cloud. Support the use of cloud computing as a viable option within an organizational business continuity strategy.

2. Identify the drawbacks for using cloud computing in your BCP. Determine the strategies you would use to mitigate the drawbacks if you were the IT manager in charge of the decision. Provide a rationale for your answer.
