Reading journal and analytical report
During the last 10 years, information and communication technologies (ICT) have generated great changes
in the construction industry. More changes are expected to come in the next 15 years. Based on the principle
that the future can be influenced if we know what we want it to be, Erdogan, Abbott & Aouad (2010)
proposed a vision for the application of ICT in the construction industry for the next 15 years. The vision (see
below) is based on four strands: people, processes, technology and places.
Vision: “The construction industry is supported by tools and technologies which are fully compatible,
developed using open standard software and that put people at the centre of focus, thus enabling creativity,
creating integrated business processes that are consistent and compatible; and facilitating less
geographically dependent ways of working.”
Write an analytical report that discusses how this vision can be achieved.
. Use and acknowledge appropriately at least three of the information sources listed
Ahuja, V, Yang, J & Shankar, R 2009, ‘Benefits of collaborative ICT adoption for building project
management’, Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, vol. 9, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited, no. 3, pp. 323–340
Ahuja, V, Yang, J & Shankar, R 2010, ‘Perceptions affecting ict adoption for building project management in
the Indian construction industry’, International Journal of Construction Management, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–
Dave, B, Kubler, S, Främling, K & Koskela, L 2016, ‘Opportunities for enhanced lean construction
management using Internet of Things standards’, Automation in Construction, vol. 61, pp. 86–97.
Erdogan, B, Abbott, C & Aouad, G 2010, ‘Construction in year 2030: developing an information technology
vision.’, Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, vol. 368,
no. 1924, pp. 3551–65