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Research Article Analysis Management Education

Research Article Analysis Management Education

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•Find an article relevant to Management Education describing a research study that has been published in a peer-reviewed journal and fill out section 1 of the abbreviated Research Plan template on behalf of the author or authors of the article as if they are a learner like you at Capella. (Choose the appropriate Research Plan template from the Resources.) Provide any necessary references and citations. Address the following question in relation to the article you chose: Are the research topic, research problem and research question(s) properly aligned? That is, are concepts that appear in the research problem refinements of those that appear in the research topic; are concepts that appear in the research question(s) refinements of those that appear in the research problem?
•Fill out section 2 of the abbreviated Research Plan template (see Resources) using the same article you used for Part 1. Provide any necessary references and citations. Address the following question in relation to the article you chose: How does the author of the article justify the use of the research method chosen in addressing the research question in 2.2?

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