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“Role-playing games provide a particularly fruitful environment for the development of critical, ethical reasoning skills, a core component in developing a citizenry capable of fully participating in a cosmopolitan, democratic society.” (Simkins- abstract 2008)

For your game analysis you’ll spend time in a role-playing game. To start, discuss the overall context of your game. What is its ethical framework? What is the ultimate goal? You can provide a brief synopsis of the game story if needed.

You’ll discuss 2 major commands given to you within the game.

From your commands (imperatives) you will author (and refine) a maxim. Be careful here. There may be “nested” imperatives. You’ll need to author a maxim for each imperative contained within the command. No need to go beyond 2 nested. 2 commands + 2 nested each= 8 charts.

Create a flowchart to illustrate the maxim authoring process (see pgs. 283 and 284 of Devine et. al)

Write out the maxim(s) as a conditional expression (see page 285 of Devine et. al). “When I am in circumstance x, then I must do actions y, if I want to reach goal z.”

Now, filter your maxim through the Categorical Imperative, using the Universal Law of Nature formulation or whatever filtration best suits your situations.
