Scholar-Practitioner Project: Creating a Social Marketing Plan
There are various public health issues that need to be addressed to create harmony in the society. One of the main public health problems facing the United
States is dealing with the rising cases of psychological disorders among the war veterans. The first step is creating awareness and coming with appropriate strategies
for solving the problem. The use of social media can help in addressing the problem. The first step in handling the public health issue is developing a social media
marketing plan. There are several factors that need to be considered when developing a social media marketing plan. Many organizations have failed to develop an
effective social media marketing plan by failing to develop the strategic rationale for supporting and guiding the program. There are various tools that can be
considered when developing a social media marketing plan. The tools include blogs such as Typepad, WordPress, and Blogger; social network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn
andTwitter. The development of a social media marketing plan follows the same procedure that is used in coming up with a typical marketing plan. The procedure
comprises of the following steps: identifying goals and objectives; conducting market analysis by looking at the needs, trends, and best practices; the implementation
of the components of the social media program that includes integrating it with the traditional form of campaign; assessing and allocating resources; and monitoring
and evaluating the effectiveness of the program (Thackeray, Neiger & Keller, 2012). The paper aims at coming up with a social media marketing plan for addressing the
challenges associated with the increasing cases of PTSD among the veterans in the community.
Creating awareness and informing the public about the occurrence of PTSD among veterans can assist in alleviating the problem. Veterans have become a social
misfit in the society due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Their cognitive and physical abilities have been hampered. The veterans are not able to relate
positively with their family members. Exposure to trauma is to blame for the unfortunate outcome in the lives of veterans (Marshall, Jorm, Grayson & O’Toole, 2014).
According to a research study conducted by Breslau et al., (2014), previous exposure to trauma increased the risk of PTSD among veterans. Early diagnosis of PTSD
among veterans followed by prompt treatment and management can improve health outcomes among the veterans. The key to improving long-term health and promoting optimum
health among the veterans who are at high risk of PTSD lies in understanding the environment and eliminating the barriers to the attainment of better health outcomes
(Breslau, Chilcoat, Kessler & Davis, 2014). Health care practitioners should play the role of educating, advocating, treating and lobbying the leaders and the members
of the community with the aim of improving health outcomes (Rosenheck & Fontana, 2014). Social media marketing plan is vital to developing an effective strategy of
communication the public health issue to the general public.
Developing a social marketing plan
The first phase of developing a social media marketing plan includes planning, consumer analysis, market analysis and channel analysis. Planning is an
essential step that involves specifying the realistic and measurable objective, establishing checkpoints for making decisions, reviewing the existing research and
mapping out the prototype of the program, as well as selecting the outcome measures for judging the progress and success of the program. The main objective of the
social media marketing plan is to come up with a program that aims at highlighting the need for proper handling of the increasing cases of PTSD among veterans in the
community. Consumer analysis involves conducting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative consumer research with the aim of identifying the target population to
whom the program may be most effective. The social marketing program focuses on creating awareness on the general public concerning the plight of the war veterans who
need special care and support to overcome trauma and psychological conditions that come about due to their combative experience (Evans, 2012). Market analysis
involves designing the marketing mix by examining the best fit and analyzing the market environment. Channel analysis involves examining the channels of communication
with the aim of determining the most suitable for reaching the target audience, and achieving the goals of the program. Facebook and Twitter are the most suitable
social media sites that can reach the biggest number of people within the shortest period, and can be useful in creating awareness about the plight of veterans who are
suffering for PTSD (Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011).
The second phase is called the strategy design. It involves developing marketing mix strategy and communication. The dissemination of information on the public
health issue will mainly be done using the major social media outlet comprising of Facebook and Twitter. Highly attractive brochures and flyers will be developed with
the aim of posting on the social media sites. Facebook and Twitter are appropriate tools since they are the most used social media sites and can reach a large number
of people within a short period. Communication via the internet should always factor in the ethical considerations such as the privacy and confidentiality of the
information and the individuals. The adoption of social media should adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It is important to
avoid defamation, discrimination and disclosing trade secrets on the social media. Important aspects that should be considered when relaying information via the social
media include respect, reliability and reciprocation. The last phase of the plan is the implementation and evaluation of the program. The implementation process
includes enlisting collaborators, clarifying their involvement, and securing their commitment. It also involves training key players for the execution of the program,
and activating communication and distribution. The evaluation of the program involves assessing the impact of the program, evaluating the quality of the target
population due to the exposure to the program communication, assessing the delivery method, and estimating the cost-effectiveness of the program (Evans, 2012).
The role of social media in addressing public health problems
Social media is a vital technological development that has emerged to be very useful in reaching the general audience. It is currently the primary mean of
communication that is capable of communicating with a big number of people worldwide. Social media platforms include Facebook, Skype, Twitter newspapers, whatsApp, and
also Gmail. As of recent public typically depends on the media for information regarding public health issues, social issues, political issues, education and cultural
issues. Social media plays a significant role in enhancing communication by promoting the interaction of two people or more people through the established Information
technology infrastructure and solutions. Social media is a useful tool for addressing public health problems in the society since it plays several significant roles
that are discussed below (Cheng, Kotler, & Lee, 2011).
Social media proves to be a source of education in the whole world. Many people receive education through the use of social media that inform of news or movies
that people watch more often. Social media can educate the public on the issue of PTSD and help them understand the reasons as to why it is common among war veterans,
as well as assisting in developing programs to assist the veterans who are suffering from PTSD (Cheng, Kotler, & Lee, 2011).
Acts as a community forum
Social media plays a vital role in the whole community, in a manner that information presented by the media is used by citizens of the entire community. It
also unites the community and ensures they are informed on the day to day activities. A person that has information and wishes to pass it to the people will approach a
media station and give out the information; it then becomes the duty of the media house to ensure the information reach everyone (Thackeray, Neiger & Keller, 2012).
Training refers to the process of ensuring people get to have the required knowledge skills that match the intended task. It is a crucial aspect when it comes to
roles social media play in being able to explain the etiology of PTSD, its symptoms, the possible treatment and medication, as well as minimizing stigma in the society
(Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011).
It refers to the ability to be able to monitor something either through certain measures or by making some policies that all members have to follow. Social media acts
as a watcher, and it’s used in the management of public health and community projects. It offers surveillances services to the communities at large by ensuring
individual projects follow the correct steps. Moreover, it will promote better accountability of public health resources and proper handling of the various public
health projects in the community. A watcher factor is important to the citizens because issues such as the failure of the Veteran Affairs (VA) department to cater for
the unique needs of the PTSD veterans can be communicated through the social media. It is helpful to the citizens as they get the information and try push for a better
way of handling the problem (Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011).
Breslau, N., Chilcoat, H. D., Kessler, R. C., & Davis, G. C. (2014). Previous exposure to trauma
And PTSD effects of subsequent trauma: results from the Detroit Area Survey of Trauma.
Cheng, H., Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2011). Social marketing for public health: global trends and success stories. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Evans, D. (2012). Social media marketing: An hour a day. John Wiley & Sons.
Hanna, R., Rohm, A., & Crittenden, V. L. (2011). We’re all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem. Business horizons, 54(3), 265-273.
Marshall, R. P., Jorm, A. F., Grayson, D. A., & O’Toole, B. I. (2014). Posttraumatic stress disorder and other predictors of health care consumption by Vietnam
veterans. Psychiatric Services.
Rosenheck, R., & Fontana, A. (2014). Use of mental health services by veterans with PTSD after the terrorist attacks of September 11. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Thackeray, R., Neiger, B. L., & Keller, H. (2012). Integrating Social Media and Social Marketing A Four-Step Process. Health promotion practice, 13(2), 165-168.