Site-Specific Safety Plan
You will need to submit your plan through Turnitin thru Canvas, before the due date and time.
Submit a detailed narrative containing, at minimum, the following:
? A general discussion of the company’s overall safety record andperformance.
? A detailed discussion regarding the company’s safety and health policies, including but not limited to, thefollowing:
? Safety and HealthIndoctrination
? SubstanceAbuse
? Pre-PhasePlanning
? Training
? Personal ProtectiveEquipment
? Tool and EquipmentInspection
? Fire Prevention andProtection
? Housekeeping
? Safety and HealthEnforcement
? Correcting Safety and HealthViolations
? AccidentInvestigation
? Emergency Action Plans
? Internal and/or External Project AuditingProcesses
? FallProtection
? Safety AwardProgram
? A general description of the work highlighting the top four (4) significant hazards and risks on the project and measures that will be employed to preventaccidents.
? Under no circumstances you are allowed to provide information or safety plans copied from external sources, including the internet. Your submittal will be considered non- responsive and you will receive grade of “0” if it is discovered that you have provided non-original material that is not specific to thisProject.