Home / Essays / Specialist Project Recearch Proposal: Something related to behavioral finance theory

Specialist Project Recearch Proposal: Something related to behavioral finance theory

Specialist Project Recearch Proposal: Something related to behavioral finance theory


2.1 The Assessment Task
The Individual Research Proposal will form the basis of the third, final and main piece of assessed work – the main individual research project (dissertation).
• This is an individual research proposal of 1,500 words, plus or minus 5%.
• Other than some preliminary literature review, you are not expected to perform actual research in this assessment, but rather, you should propose a research
question or activity that is clearly defined, logical and feasible.
• You should provide a background or rationale for choosing to investigate the particular issue
• You should pose one or several objectives that you hope/expect to achieve as a result of undertaking the project.
• You should explain your proposed methodology to meet these objectives (in connection with data, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of analysis
• You should discuss limitations and issues such as access to data, planning horizon, validity of analysis, and ethical issues etc.
• You should comment on the usefulness and potential application of the research which you have proposed.
• Marks for this assessment will be awarded on the basis of:
a) The clarity/feasibility of your intended research question;
b) The clarity with which you explain the background/rationale behind the project and the objectives that you hope to achieve;
c) The extent and relevance of your preliminary literature review;
d) Appropriateness/feasibility of the research methodology and the identification/discussion of any limitations foreseen;Finally, you should remember that your
individual research proposal will form the basis of your main research project (Assessment 3). So the more work you put in, the more likely that you will end up with a
good quality project.
As a minimum, the research proposal should:
i) spell out a clear, valid, and feasible research question; clear background/rationale and objectives;
ii) include an outline or summary of some key initial/preliminary literature review results;
iii) have a discussion of an appropriate/feasible methodological approach to be adopted for the study. Given the limited time and resources available to students,
only secondary data (as opposed to ‘primary’ data) should be used for your research;
iv) A summary/outline of the expected outcomes;
Below is one suggested way of approaching the task. It is not the only way and you are encouraged not to regard this as a box ticking exercise. Evidence of original
thoughts/arguments and the imaginative use of a wide-range of literature to support your arguments will earn recognition in the marking.
3.1 Assessment Criteria
1. Introduction – this should show that you have understood the purpose of this exercise and should include a clear and feasible research question; sound
rationale / background; clear aims and objectives for your investigation
(35 marks)
2. Preliminary Literature Review: (35 marks)
i) Identify the key paper(s) or journal(s) that supports or underlies your research question proposal;
ii) Carry out a targeted literature review of other paper(s) or journal(s) that debate (for and against) your research question proposal. Summarise the key
arguments on both sides and then, comment on the extent to which you think they coincide/diverge from your key paper(s). What do other authors/papers, before, but more
especially, after your key paper have to say about some of the key arguments made in the key paper – for and against?
iii) State and describe the different research approaches or methods – what are your views on the research approach/methods adopted by the other papers? Their
strengths and weaknesses;
iv) State your intended findings and conclusions based on your key paper – To what extent do you think your conclusions are consistent with the prior
3. Research Methodology – Without actually carrying out any data collection/analysis, state and justify the research approach/method that you consider to be most
appropriate for carrying out your investigation. (15marks) (15 marks)
4. Overall Presentation – Ensure there is a logical link between the sections; a good overall structure; and provide a bibliography for your work.
(15 marks) how you will investigate your question?
Pick up a research question that is testable, which means there are existing methods that other research paper have done.
Search the keyword you are interested in on Google Scholar, and go through the most recent papers, see what kind of research questions are there, what methods other
papers chose

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