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Starting a small business

Starting a small business

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Starting a small business can be a daunting task. However, there are an abundance of resources available that can assist an entrepreneur with initiating and maintaining a business. Websites, forums, and blogs can be excellent places to get help online, but you must be able to differentiate between the online resources that are useful and accurate and those that are unreliable.

To prepare for this Discussion, use the Internet to identify online resources that assist small business owners with the growth and marketing of their businesses. As you review the sites, select at least two that you feel have the most useful information for your particular questions and needs.

Write a cohesive and scholarly response based on your readings and research this week that addresses the following:

1.What resources did you find?

2.Post the links and describe the sites.

3.Why do you find these resources beneficial for small business entrepreneurs?

4.Highlight specific information you found useful.
