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Team Building and Workforce Engagement

Team Building and Workforce Engagement
write a 2?3 page APA scholarly paper that addresses the following:
Analyze how the ethical framework was used for the current and potential ethical dilemma(s) identified.
Discuss how communication techniques were used by each role and how it impacted the group?s decisions.
Paper Criteria
Your paper should be 2?3 pages, plus the title and reference pages.
Write your original response in Standard American English using proper APA format; paying special attention to grammar, style and mechanics.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts and topics.
Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated.
Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another.
Your paper should be highly organized, logical and focused.
Please pay close attention to your punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.
You should have a minimum of three academically credible sources from outside of the course materials.
