In the areas of, mathematics and science, K-12, the 5 E’s Lesson Planner is utilized as the prevailing approach to daily lesson planning. This process includes the
following steps and critical guiding questions:
Phase One – Engagement: This phase initiates the learning task. The activity should make connections between past and present learning experiences and
organize students’ thinking toward the learning outcomes of current activities. The teacher provides the experience to engage the learner and identify the
instructional task.
Phase Two – Explore: This phase provides students with a common base of experience within which current concepts, processes, and skills are identified and
developed. The students are given time to think, plan, investigate, and organize collected data. The teacher facilitates and monitors interaction between students
and instructional situations, and provides as much scaffolding as needed by students.
Phase Three – Explain: The students are now involved in an analysis of their exploration. The students are provided with opportunities to demonstrate their
understanding of the concepts and processes they are learning. The teacher clarifies students’ understanding and introduces and defines new concepts.
Phase Four – Elaborate: This phase challenges and extends students’ conceptual understanding and skills. The teacher provides new experiences to extend and
refine students’ knowledge and skills.
Phase Five – Evaluate: Informal, ongoing evaluation should occur from the engagement activity on through the elaboration. The teacher and the student can
complete a culminating evaluation after the elaboration phase. The students assess their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The teacher focuses on outcomes that can be
used to evaluate student progress.
The 5 E’s model for the teaching, learning, and assessing of mathematics and science is based upon a student-centered, constructivist philosophy. In this model,
learning new skills and concepts in depth is not a linear process but a recursive one. Therefore, timeframes for each of the phases within the 5 Es model may not be
observed in one class setting.
Teachers should use the lesson planning tool for planning daily instruction. Principals and teachers should use the observation tool for more comprehensive formal or
informal observations. In addition, the CCSS for Mathematical Practice are included for teacher and principal use to guide and inform instruction.
Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice
Standards Possible Questions and Prompts: Student “Look Fors”
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • How would you describe the problem in your own words?
• What facts do you have? What do you know that is not stated in the problem?
• How did you tackle similar problems?
• Would it help to create a diagram? …make a table? …draw a picture?
• What strategies are you going to use? Consider or attempt multiple entry points to its solution
Analyze information (givens, constraints, relationships, goals)
Make conjectures and plan a solution pathway
Use objects, drawings, and diagrams to solve problems
Monitor progress and change course as necessary
Check answers to problems and ask, “Does this make sense?”
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Can you tell why that is true?
• How did you reach your conclusion?
• How does your answer connect to the question? Does it make sense?
• Can you make a model to show that? Make sense of quantities and relationships in problem situations
Represent abstract situations symbolically
Create a coherent representation of the problem
Translate from contextualized to generalized or vice versa
Flexibly use properties of operations
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Can you convince the rest of us that your answer makes sense?
• What do you think about what _____ said?
• Do you agree? Why or why not?
• Does anyone have the same answer but a different way to get it?
• Can you explain what____ is saying? Can you explain why his/her strategy works?
• What don’t you understand about what ____ is saying? Use definitions and previously established causes/effects (results) in constructing arguments
Make conjectures and use counterexamples to build a logical progression of statements to explore and support their ideas
Listen to or read the arguments of others
Ask probing questions to other students
4. Model with mathematics. • How would you model the situation with a diagram, picture, table, graph, equation, or words?
• Can you use color, words, or diagrams to show the connections between these ideas?
• How do the different models connect or relate to each other (i.e. table to graph, graph to equation)? Determine an equation that represents a
Illustrate mathematical relationships using diagrams, two-way tables, graphs, flowcharts, and formulas
Apply assumptions to make a problem simpler
Check to see if an answer makes sense within the context of a situation and change a model when necessary
Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice
Standards Possible Questions and Prompts: Student “Look Fors”
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. • What tools will you need?
• Will a calculator help?
• Will pencil and paper help? Will using a number line, table, diagram, or picture help?
• What strategies will you use? Choose tools that are appropriate for the task.
Examples: Manipulative, Calculator, Digital Technology, Ruler
Use technological tools to visualize the results of assumptions, explore consequences, and compare predications with data
Identify relevant external math resources (digital content on a website) and use them to pose or solve problems
6. Attend to precision. • Will you solve the problem mentally or with pencil and paper? Will using a number line, table, diagram, or picture help?
• What do you think the answer or result will be?
• What does your answer mean in the context of the problem?
• Can you guess and check?
• Have you compared your work with anyone else?
• Can you represent the definition or rule? Communicate precisely using appropriate terminology
Specify units of measure and provide accurate labels on graphs
Express numerical answers with appropriate degree of precision
Provide carefully formulated explanations
7. Look for and make use of structure. • What relevant information in the problem shows you what relationship (i.e. change, group, compare, ratio, or proportion
problem) exists between the elements or parts of the problem?
• How do you know that your rule or equation always works?
• Are you actively comparing, reflecting on, and discussing multiple solution methods? Look for a pattern or structure, recognizing that quantities
can be represented in different ways
Use knowledge of properties to efficiently solve problems
View complicated quantities both as single objects or compositions of several objects
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. • What pattern(s) do you notice? How would you describe the pattern(s)?
• What calculations, patterns, or principles are repeated?
• What mathematical principles will help you in solving the problem?
• What if you started with … rather than…? What if you can only use…?
• What are the big ideas or key points in this lesson? Notice repeated calculations and look for general methods and shortcuts
Continually evaluate the reasonableness of intermediate results (comparing estimates) while attending to details and making generalizations
The 5 E’s Model for the teaching of mathematics is based on the constructivist approach to learning. Learning new concepts or attempting to understand something
familiar in greater depth, is not a linear process. Therefore, suggested time slots for each of the stages within the model may vary according to the activity planned
for the lesson design.
Lesson Title:
Materials Needed (1e: Materials and Resources) :
Data Points:
5 E’s
Sample Lesson Questions for Planning/ Lesson Planning Notes
Please note that FFT Components for Domain I are referenced in the questions for planning by Indicator; for example
Value, Sequence and Alignment-See Lesson Readiness; Concept Development
Balance: See Lesson Readiness; Concept Development
Clarity- See Objective
Suitability for Diverse Leaners- See Lesson Readiness; Concept Development; Learning Activity; Flexibility and Fluidity
As teachers plan for instruction, please use the guiding questions for lesson planning as appropriate.
Time Frame
Engagement Engagement (Individual, Small Group or Whole Group Work)
Objective stated written/orally
Connecting to Prior Knowledge
Learning Activity Set-Up
Multiple Entry Points
Homework review Lesson readiness:
What data indicates that students are ready for this lesson? ( 1c:Balance; Suitability for Diverse Learners)
Where does this lesson fall in the sequence of learning? ( 1c: Value, Sequence, and Alignment)
How are the concept outcomes connected to previous and future learning? ( 1c: Value, Sequence, and Alignment)
How does this lesson align to the progression of this unit? ( 1e: Lesson and Unit Structure)
How can I connect students’ enduring understanding of concept to other concepts/concepts to other disciplines? What are the essential questions?(1c Value
sequence and alignment)
Objective ( 1c:Clarity) (1f: Designing Student Assessments)
Is the objective:
Measurable (What will the students learn?)
Written with verbs for expectations of high levels of rigor
Written as an outcome-not an activity
Specific, doable, assessable in the allotted time (How will I assess student knowledge?)
Concept Development:
How can I set up learning activities to aid students in learning the new mathematics in multiple ways with multiple representations? ( 1c: Balance)
What questions do I ask if students have difficulty getting started? What questions do I ask to advance thinking? (1c: Suitability for Diverse Learners)
How will this experience help students develop proficiency with one or more of the course standards? (1c Value sequence and alignment)
Exploration Exploration (Various Groupings)
Think/ Wait Time
Hands on Lab
Manipulatives & Tools
Modeling Questions
Co-operative learning
(i.e., Jigsaw, Think- Pair- Share, Flexible Grouping)
Use of Technology Learning Activity:
How does the clear and sequenced activity:
Engage students and advance them through the content? (1e: Lesson and Unit Structure)
Support instructional outcomes and reflect important concepts? (1e: Lesson and Unit Structure)
Provide a variety of appropriately challenging materials and resources to advance student learning of the concept understanding and meet the differentiated
needs of students in the class? (1e: Instructional Materials/Resources; 1c Suitability for Diverse Learners)
Provide assessing and advancing questions that will develop understanding of the concept? (1e: Lesson and Unit Structure)
Provide models and/or tools that will help students advance their understanding of the concept? (How will misconceptions be addressed?) (1e: Lesson and Unit
Help students develop proficiency with one or more of the Mathematical Practices?
Student Groups:
How will student groups: (1e: Instructional Groups)
Be formed to intentionally support and advance student learning?
Be expected to work together?
Use appropriate technology?
Be scaffolded to help students develop proficiency with one or more of the course standards? (1c Value sequence and alignment)
Explanation Explanation (Whole Class/Student Response)
Concept Web
Mind Map
Partner share
Vocabulary development
Student centered
Portfolio Concept Explanations:
Engage students to clarify misconceptions and errors. What questions can I provide to aid students in correcting misconceptions? (1e: Lesson and Unit
Encourage students to explain their observations and findings in their own words. (1c:Clarity)
Facilitate clarification of new vocabulary. What strategies and tools will I use to help students actively formulate new vocabulary? (1e: Instructional
materials and resources)
What open ended questions will I ask to:
Promote higher order thinking and to assess student learning of the concept?
Advance student learning?
Clear misconceptions?
Elaboration Elaboration (Develop Flexibility and Fluidity: Explicit Teaching/Guided Practice)
KWL Chart
Intervention Activities
Problem of the Week
Modeling Concepts
Problem of the Week
Graphic Organizers
Technology Flexibility and Fluidity:
What new experiences will I provide for students to expand their understanding and connect to real-world situations and other disciplines? (1c: Suitability for
Diverse Learners)
What scaffolding and modeling will I use to aid students in extending and explaining concepts being explored? (1e: Instructional Materials and Resources)
What questions will I ask students to encourage them to apply concepts and skills to new situations? (1e: Learning Activities; Instructional Materials; Lesson
and Unit Structure)
How will I aid students in linking mathematical vocabulary to present and future concepts? (1e: Learning Activities)
Evaluation Evaluation
Gallery Walks
Journal Entries
Exit Slips
Quick writes
Student interviews
Buddy Check
White Boards
Answer Cards Evaluation (1e:Lesson and Unit Structure) (1f: Designing Student Assessments)
How will evidence be collected to determine that the students have attained the learning objectives?
How will evidence be used to inform instructional decisions?
How will I examine students’ work and identify needs to plan future instruction?
How and when will I provide extensive feedback to address growth towards understanding?
What is my timeframe for providing feedback to students with useful information to adjust their current learning approaches and take ownership of their