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Home / Essays / The Affordable Care Act and obesity concerns for Americans

The Affordable Care Act and obesity concerns for Americans

The Affordable Care Act and obesity concerns for Americans

One of the stated goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible
and affordable for many Americans. Choose a specific provision of the Affordable Care Act
(and make sure to be clear about the provision you’ve chosen – for example, don’t simply say
“birth control” because I won’t know what you mean by that) and provide an analysis of how? ?it
will? ?help? ?to? ?make? ?preventive? ?care? ?more? ?accessible? ?and? ?affordable? ?for? ?Americans,? ?and
what? ?might? ?be? ?the? ?role(s)? ?of? ?the? ?professional? ?nurse? ?(Registered? ?Nurses? ?and/or? ?Advanced
Practice? ?Nurses)? ?in? ?implementing? ?this? ?provision.

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