theme park and attraction invetigation
Order Description
Write a report outlining dreamworlds sustainable practices through environmental, social/cultural and economic elements. In your report it is important that you also make recommendation about how dreamworld could implement further practices. Ensure you follow the structure in the table outlined to include all necessary components of the report.
Introduction: paragraph outlining what the report is about and the aim of the report
Method of research: describe what you did to gather and record information from a range of resources. Explain why you use those method
Body: This section is the section that contain the main body of information for your report. Ensure you explain what each section means before giving examples from dreamworld in a case study.
3.1 environmental sustainability
3.1.1 Water and energy conservation
3.1.2 waste management
3.1.3 wildlife preservation
3.1.4 education
3.1.5 monetary fund
3.2 social and cultural preservation and awareness
3.2.1 employment opportunities
3.2.2 local control
3.2.3 cultural preservation
3.2.4 visitor fulfilment
3.3 economic sustainability
3.3.1 employment
3.3.2 ownership
3.3.3 viability and competiveness
3.3.4 indirect benefits