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theortetical rumination

theortetical rumination
A. For the first 1 1/2 to 2 pages, please summarize the article. The purpose is to paraphrase. The articles are long, so do the best you can!
There is no need for direct quotes, but if you want to use 2-3, please make sure they are short. The sample is a good example. Make sure you begin with In “Passion and Love in Shakespeare’s stories,” Anna Figgs states……
There is not opinion or “I” in part 1–only summarization. Please note: if your critique summarized the story, avoid this. Focus only on analysis
B. For the second two full pages (or three), you will now react to the critique. You will agree, disagree, or both. Make sure you begin with I agree/disagree, etc….As you are explaining why you agree/disagree with the critic, you must cite 3-4 times from the primary source–the story, novel, or play you are using. Keep these quotes four lines or less–don’t overquote.

i just need an interview , it talk about homeotasis with a math teacher. you just need write some questions and answer them
