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tutorial instructions.

tutorial instructions.
Discussion 1

Draft a set of instructions that would be appropriate to include in a larger tutorial on the topic, which will be due in Unit 9 (Unit 9 Assignment requirements). While a tutorial is educational and comprehensive in describing how to complete a process, a set of instructions is typically concise and focused on the action related to each task. The instructions that you draft here may be used as a basis for a longer tutorial on the topic, so use this initial Discussion post as a means to solicit feedback from peers as to the clarity, conciseness, and completeness of your set of instructions. Choose a topic that is not overly simplistic or common, such as changing a car’s tire. Instead, choose a topic that you can bring a unique perspective to when developing the instructions into a tutorial for the Unit 9 Assignment.
The post must include the following components and qualities:
List of necessary materials or skills
Full sentences to describe each step in the process
Warnings about hazardous situations or other risks the audience might face when completing the process
At least one paragraph that describes the potential audience for the instructions and ideas for expanding the instructions to be a full tutorial describing the process
The writing should be original, and not copied or paraphrased from a source. The goal is to practice your technical writing skills and receive helpful feedback prior to work on the tutorial. It is not necessary to cite content from the readings in your initial post, though it is required to cite support in responses to peers, as explained below.
All Discussion responses should be written in complete sentences using Standard American English to create cohesive paragraphs. Technical writers are often held to minimum and/or maximum word counts. As a guideline, your initial post should be approximately 200 words, though, quality, thorough, and relevant content should take precedence since a longer response may be needed in order to adequately respond to the Discussion 1 prompts posed above.

Discussion 2

You will use this Discussion 2 section of the unit to share information about Internet locations that allow for sharing of digital media projects, such as slide presentations, videos, animations, or podcasts. The Internet location is not simply a place for businesses or organization to post digital media, such as Ted.com, but rather, it is a location where you can conceivably share your digital media project. Respond to the prompt below by writing about your findings, insights, experiences, further questions, and links to Internet resources. Be sure your initial Discussion 2 post is clear and detailed so that your peers can benefit from your insights. As a guideline, your initial post should be at least 200 word or two full paragraphs, though the post’s level of detail and insight will take precedence.
Digital Media: Internet Sharing
Post your review of the internet location here and include the following information in your post:
Name of the website and URL where it can be accessed
Features that might make uploading digital media easy
Aspects of the internet location that may be challenging, overly complicated, or unreliable
An example situation in which the internet location could prove useful
The review should be your own assessment of the internet location rather than text copied from others’ reviews. Browse through the website or even try to upload a digital media project of your own to see how well the website works.
Comments from Support Team:

For your Unit 9 Assignment, you will be developing a tutorial describing how to
complete a task or process. Your tutorial will need to meet the needs and expectations of
a specific audience, rather than a large or general audience. Although you can choose the
topic of your tutorial, avoid overly simple tasks (e.g., “how to tie your shoes” or listing a
cooking recipe), as these topics will not fully illustrate all the technical communication
skills you have developed thus far. Furthermore, choose a topic that you are already
familiar with and does not rely on text/research from other sources.
Review the following list of sample topics to help you with your brainstorming process.
You are not limited to the topics on this list, but you should choose a topic that is similar
in complexity to the sample topics.
? Making a self-watering container for small plants
? Creating a video with PowerPoint® and Windows® Movie Maker®
? Refinishing an old armoire
? Training for a half-marathon
? Using photo-editing software to make a conference poster presentation
? Repairing a broken USB flash drive
? Setting up a campsite for a family of four
? Creating a personal blog using WordPress ©
The content of the tutorial must take the form of either an original slide presentation
(e.g., PowerPoint® or Prezi©) or video. The length of the tutorial is dependent on
audience needs, as you will need to make sure the content is detailed enough for the
audience to successfully complete the described process. Minimally, though, the tutorial
should describe a process with at least seven steps. The following requirements must
also be met:
? The tutorial must have engaging, helpful, and consistent design through color, font, and
? The tutorial must consist of at least 12 slides, if a slide presentation; or, be at least
twominutes long, if a video.
? At least two, relevant graphics must be provided in the tutorial; if you did not create the
graphic yourself, then it must be cited in APA citation format. All graphics need to be
? The presentation must have the following content: an introduction; a description of the
process; and a conclusion. Consider including a list of necessary materials and relevant
warnings/risks to further help the audience.
? The description of the process must go beyond a set of instructions, and provide
insights that give an original and insightful perspective of the process.
? All text in the tutorial should follow Standard American English rules for grammar,
punctuation, and word choice.
All text representing ideas from a source and graphics you did not create must be cited
in APA format; this includes in-text citations and a references page with full-citations.
Failing to cite information paraphrased, summarized, or directly from a source is a form
of plagiarism and subject to the consequences noted in university’s policy on plagiarism.
Choosing a topic that you are familiar with will help avoid the need for outside research
in the project.
Outcome 2: Digital Media Tutorial Points
• The tutorial demonstrates an understanding of technical
writing concepts that make the content clear, concise, accurate,
and audience appropriate
• Content is insightful and easy to follow from the identified
audience’s perspective
• Content is original and shows the writer’s unique point-of-view
on the process being explained
• It is either a slide presentation with at least 12 slides or a
minimum of two-minute video
• Effectively leverages the strengths of the chosen digital media
tool to convey information and engage interest
• Contains the required content of an introduction, description of
the process, and a conclusion, along with any other relevant
information (e.g., list of materials, glossary, warnings)
• The tutorial explains a process consisting of at least seven steps
Design and organization:
• Content is well-organized
• Transition words and phrases are used appropriately
• Effectively uses color, layout, font, and other design features to
engage interest and clarify points
• Includes at least two relevant and appropriate graphics
• Graphics are labeled
• If audio narration is provided, then the audio is clear and
Style and Mechanics:
• Follows Standard American English guidelines, whether in text
or audio narrative
• The tone and style of the writing and document format is
appropriate for the identified audience
• Ideas and graphics from sources are accurately cited in APA 6th
edition format with both in-text citations and references
Plagiarism is a violation of the academic integrity policy. Assignments
that are plagiarized will receive a “0.”
Total 200

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