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UK coalition government

The current UK coalition government has invested £14 million in a national programme of Community Organisers between 2011 and 2015. Critically discuss community organising as a practice and an area of policy for communities within England.

Introuction ( what this essay will cover and what will conclude) -150-200 words
Definitions of community organising accrording to Bunyan, Cameron’s speech, and american definition. 200 words
Alinsky, Frair & Obama – origins of Community Organising, what what it means as a practice and how it is a part of policy in England (the Big Society)200 words
First ever government funded Community Organising. why? the need to do something to cover up the budget cuts??Why is the current government interested in funding community organising ? 250 words
Community Organising solution on deprived areas?250 words
“Locality”, citizens UK and others -how much money have been spent on training?Comparing effectivness why have they chose locality ?Provide examples of community organising in the UK and critically discuss their effectiveness – 300 words

Community organising effectiveness USA vs UK ( small state intervetion in US main reason for sucess in US) difficulty in transfering to UK. 200 words

Community Development similarities vs legacy (community organising vs community development)200 words

Has community organising got a potentia to make a difference?
-too early to say
-there is no evaluation taken in terms of effectiveness
-sustainability (?)(150 words)
-4 year of training for comunity organisers squashed into 6 months training
-Community organisers are funded for another year – what next?? (if C.O. stops now we will not be able to see potential difference as it isnt long enough to make a difference)700 words
Conclusion 200 words

Referencing Requirements:
Well referenced. Use Cameron speeches about the big society, Few direct quotes within the text.
recommended sources

Bacon, N (undated) Is Community Organising just what’s needed in these tough times ? The Young Foundation Journal [online] available at: http://youngfoundation.org/resilient-communities-housing/is-community-organising-just-whats-needed-in-these-tough-times/

Blume, T. (2011) Random musings from civil society with Toby Blume [online] available at: http://tobyblume.posterous.com

Tessy Britton blog http://thrivingtoo.com

Bunyan, P. (2010) Broad-based organizing in the UK: reasserting the centrality of political activity in community development, Community Development Journal, 45 (1), 111-127.

Bunyan, P. (2012) Partnership, the Big Society and community organizing: between romanticizing, problematizing and politicizing community, Community Development Journal ADVANCED ACCESS
Chanan, G. and Miller, C. (2011) The Big Society and public service: Complementarily or erosion ? Brighton: Paces

Farnel, R., Lund, S., Furbey, R., Lawless, P., Wishart, B. and Else, P. (1994a), Hope in the City?: the local Impact of the Church Urban Fund, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.

Farnel, R., Lund, S., Furbey, R., Lawless, P., Wishart, B. and Else, P. (1994a), Broad-based Organising: a Study for the Church Urban Fund, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.

Furbey, R., Else, P., Farnell, R., Lawless, P., Lund, S., and Wishart, B. (1997) Breaking with tradition? The Church of England and community organising, Community Development Journal, 32 (2), 141-150.
Little, M. (20110 Analysis: Why Alinksy’s supporters lost out Third Sector [online] available at www.thirdsector.co.uk
McGaffey, R. and Khalil, H. (undated) Alinksy in the Age of Neocolonalism [online] see reference list of the Robson and Mills article
Mills, J. and Robson, S. (2010) see http://api.ning.com/files/-EXDrc2eG5joYjIN5w50vmoSPdlSTl4b2tiTwUCqOPf6YU0c*h6V0pM*1uLJNLA1zz1fJ9aLUtzuX2*t4EjxYA6vLieO0Fgk/PDFCCDX63CO2.pdf
Warren, M. (2009). Community organizing in Britain: the political engagement of faith-based social capital, City and Community, 8, 99-12.

Wills, J. (2009) The living wage, Soundings: A journal of Politics and Culture, 42, 33-46.

Wills, J. (2012) The geography of community and political organisation in London today, Political Geography, 31, 114-126.
See www.conservativess.com/News/Speeches for David Cameron’s speeches
See also: http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/05/12/cdj.bsr037.full
