Unit 2 Assignment:
1. Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save this Assignment template to your computer with the following file naming format:
Course number_section number_LAST_FIRST_ unit number
2. At the top of the template, insert the appropriate information: Your Name, Course Number, Section Number, and Date
3. Insert your answers below, or in the appropriate space provided for in the question. Your answers should follow the APA format with citations to your sources and,
at the bottom of your last page, a list of references. Your answers should also be in Standard English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style (double
spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point, black font). Respond to questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other
elements asked for in the questions.
4. Provide a list of references at the end of the last page of your Assignment.
5. Upload the completed assignment to the appropriate Dropbox.
6. Any questions about the Assignment, or format questions, should be directed to your course instructor.
——————————————- Professional Competencies —————————————-
You will be assessed based on your knowledge of the following outcome:
PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment.
——————————————- Assignment ——————————————-
1. A representative of the American clothing industry recently made the following statement: “Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop conditions earning only pennies
an hour. American workers are more productive and as a result earn higher wages. In order to preserve the dignity of the American workplace, the government should
enact legislation banning imports of low-wage Asian clothing.”
a. Which parts of this quote are positive statements? Which parts are normative statements?
b. Is the policy that is being advocated consistent with the preceding statements about the wages and productivities of American and Asian workers?
c. Would such a policy make some Americans better off without making any other Americans worse off? That is, would this policy be efficient from the viewpoint of all
d. Would low-wage Asian workers benefit from or be hurt by such a policy?
Instead of legislation banning the imports, assume that the government enacts a special tax on imported clothing that is so high that the selling price of the imports
would be equal to the selling price of the same clothing made in America. This kind of tax is called a tariff and is enacted to protect domestic producers of the same
items that can be imported at much lower costs. Answer the following:
e. What would shoppers see when they shopped in Walmart and the other “big box” stores that sell so many imported items?
f. Would this tax policy have a better effect, worse effect, or no different effect on American workers than the legislation banning the imports discussed in
question 1? What kind of effect would the tax have on the Asian workers?
g. Briefly explain how you feel on American attitudes about multiculturalism and how global awareness can affect imports available to Americans and American
products available to people in other countries. What do you feel is the impact on worldwide economic output and of more accepting attitudes about other cultures?
2. In the ancient country of Roma, only two goods, spaghetti and meatballs, are produced. There are two tribes in Roma: the Tivoli and the Frivoli. By themselves, the
Tivoli each month can produce either 30 pounds of spaghetti and no meatballs, or 50 pounds of meatballs and no spaghetti, or any combination in between. The Frivoli,
by themselves, each month can produce 40 pounds of spaghetti and no meatballs, or 30 pounds of meatballs and no spaghetti, or any combination in between.
Examine the first diagram showing the monthly production possibility frontier for the Tivoli and the monthly production possibility frontier for the Frivoli.
a. Which tribe has the comparative advantage in spaghetti production? Explain why.
b. Which tribe has the comparative advantage in meatball production? Explain why.
In A.D. 100 the Frivoli discover a new technique for making meatballs that doubles the quantity of meatballs that they can produce each month. Examine the new monthly
production possibility frontier for the Frivoli.
c. After the innovation, which tribe now has an absolute advantage in producing meatballs?
d. Which tribe now has an absolute advantage in producing spaghetti?
e. Which has the comparative advantage in meatball production? Explain why.
f. Which has the comparative advantage in spaghetti production? Explain why.
Unit _2_ Practice Assignment Grading Rubric
Content Percent Possible Points Possible
Full assignment 100% 40
Overall Writing: 20% 8
correct coversheet information at the top of 1st page 5% 2
APA format for answers 3% 1
correct citations 3% 1
standard English no errors 4% 2
At least ONE, or more, references 5% 2
Answers: provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking: 80% 32
Individual Questions:
1. a. – Which statements are positive, which are normative? 7% 3
1. b. – Is the policy consistent or not? 7% 3
1. c. – Would Americans be better, or worse off? 7% 3
1. d. – What would be the impact on Asian workers? 5% 2
1. e. – What would shoppers see, if import tax created? 7% 3
1. f. – Is tax better, or worse than ban? 7% 3
1.g. – Impact of Multicultural attitudes on world economy 10% 4
2. a. – Which has comparative advantage in spaghetti? 5% 2
2. b. – Which has comparative advantage in meatballs? 5% 2
2. c. – With innovation who has absolute advantage in meatballs? 5% 2
2. d. – Who has absolute advantage in spaghetti? 5% 2
2. e. – Who has comparative advantage in meatballs? 5% 2
2.f. – Who has comparative advantage in spaghetti? 5% 2
PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment.
No Progress
Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.
Student work demonstrates the ability to identify multiculturalism and diversity issues.
Student work demonstrates the ability to identify multiculturalism and diversity issues, and articulate them in a global context.
Student work demonstrates the ability to identify, articulate, and explain a multiculturalism and diversity issue in a global context.
Student work demonstrates the ability to analyze the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context.
Student work demonstrates the ability to analyze the benefits and challenges of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context and recommend solutions.
Not Assessed
N/A No work was received by the instructor.