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Women and work in non-profits Policy paper

Women and work in non-profits Policy paper
This is a policy paper. You are expected to write a policy statement and support it with appropriate references from within the readings and content of the syllabus or outside it from peer reviewed journals, Policy websites etc. I expect an innovative paper that is informed by your own understanding of the working of a Non Profit Agency. The paper must have been written for this course and cannot be a supplemental one from any other course.1. Describe the agency, its setting, and the staffing pattern.

2. Discuss the policy or norms for Human Resource Management right now. (Use literature from the field of nonprofit management; many of which are included in your syllabus)

(Additional Journals and Resources – Non Profit Management, The Nonprofit Quarterly, Voluntas: The International Journal of Voluntary and NonProfit Organizations, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Stanford Social Innovation Review, https://www.performwell.org, U.S. Department of Labor website ? https://www.dol.gov/whd/, https://www.eeoc.gov/)

3. Analyze the underlying problem of the issue and trace its policy development (the history, and current scenario. (could be hiring/ retention/ supervision/ monitoring/ caseloads…any issue)

4. Outline its effect – be specific to the agency/ likely scenario of the policy (absence/ or modification/ continuation). (Example: Social workers in hospital settings working on pediatric wards)

5. List the modifications that you are suggesting.

6. Provide a justification or a supportive argument for one of the stakeholders ? for example – the executive board, the client group, and the affected staff.
