Words and Behavior by Aldous Huxley
Words and Behavior questions
1. Recall: According to Huxley what is the main reason why people use language inappropriately when discussing war
2. Recall: What does Huxley find “absurd and monstrous” about war?
3. Clarify: According to Huxley in lines 237-243, why do politicians often use inappropriate language (lines 237-243 is highlighted in yellow)
4. Analyze an Argument: Review your notes on the reasons and evidence that Huxley offers in the essay. What do you consider the strongest support for his claim that inappropriate use of langue allows people to deceive themselves and others about the true nature of war? Explain your answer.
5. Draw Conclusion About Deductive Reasoning: In his statement of the premise on which he bases his deductive reasoning, Huxley says that “worlds give continuity to what we do” Why might it be especially difficult for a nation’s leaders to maintain such continuity in wartime?
6. Historical Context: Huxley wrote “Words and Behavior” in 1939 in reactions to developments in Nazi Germany and other European nations. In his essay he warns against the manipulation of language-both by political leaders and by ordinary citizens-to justify war. To what extent do you think his observations are true today? Explain your answer.