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Home / Essays / You are given two discussion questions and are required to respond to each in no less than one page. Keep each response separate. Ie discussion #1, discussion #2

You are given two discussion questions and are required to respond to each in no less than one page. Keep each response separate. Ie discussion #1, discussion #2

You are given two discussion questions and are required to respond to each in no less than one page. Keep each response separate. Ie discussion #1, discussion #2

Discussion #1
If an elementary school student is having difficulty learning math, what are the possible cognitive issues that could be interfering with the student?s learning? For each cognitive issue you identify, what other deficits might also be observed? Focus on possible cognitive deficits while providing examples to support your thinking.

Discussion #2
Given the importance of the intelligence quotient (IQ) in modern society, significant gaps continue to be measured based on social and cultural differences. Explain the reason for these gaps in IQ scores. Clearly states if you think any of the existing hypotheses are sufficient in explaining this gap.
