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 1 Article review (a copy of the article is enclose)

Article Review Instructions: Students will review one article. The article will be posted in the Moodle classroom by the instructor. The article review paper must be saved and turned in as a Microsoft Word file (no other file formats will be accepted for a grade). Students will use collegiate-level grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The paper must adhere to the APA research / writing style format, and briefly summarize and review the content of the article. Papers must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, this includes the cover-sheet. Students will use “page set-up” to ensure the following: top, bottom, and side margins within the body of the paper are set for 1-inch; the content of the paper is to be double-spaced; pages will be numbered and include a running head. The content of the final paper must be at least two pages in length. The two-page length requirement does not include the cover-sheet (which is to include the title of the article review and the student’s name) or the article review grading rubric form (students will type their names in the appropriate section of the rubric; the rubric is to be added at the end of the paper). To receive full points, students will adhere to the assignment instructions and turn it in before the due date/time, using the appropriate uploading tool located in the Moodle classroom

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