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 Psychological and psychiatric based criminological theories

DescriptionPsychological and psychiatric based criminological theories contend that deviance is the result of a mental disorder or deficiency within an individual. This group of theories suggests that deviance is caused by an abnormality of the mind.In cases of an excessively low intelligence level (IQ) a deviant act may be committed simply because the individual truly cannot understand the differences between right and wrong. As a whole our society accepts this and chooses to hospitalize as opposed to incarcerating this group of individuals when they cannot be controlled otherwise and present a danger to others. However, when an individual has an acceptable intelligence level, but commits acts of deviance due to other potential psychological or psychiatric reasons, societal views can differ regarding how to deal with the individual.In your initial post present and defend a position regarding how individuals with clinically diagnosed mental illnesses should be handled by the criminal justice system when they commit acts of deviance._______________________________________________________
Papers General Guidelines
The following guidelines must be adhered to for the essays and research papers that are
components of this course:
• A 12-point Times New Roman font must be used in the paper.
• Double-spacing must be used throughout the paper.
• Page margins must be 1” on each side of the paper (top, bottom, left and right sides).
• A cover and reference page must be included. The cover and reference pages must
appear on separate pages from the rest of the paper and do not count towards any
minimum page length requirements.
• All sources utilized to create the paper must be cited and included in the reference
list. APA (6th edition) guidelines for citations and reference listings must be followed.
• Unless otherwise specified, all papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word
document saved as either a .doc or .docx file. No other formats will be accepted.
• Only scholarly resources should be used. Sites such as Wikipedia, blogs, or other
resources where information has not been peer-reviewed must not be used. If you
have questions regarding whether a resource is acceptable, please ask your instructor
before using that resource.
• Abstracts are only appropriate for papers that will be published. For this reason,
Abstracts should not be included with course papers.
• Direct quotes should be used sparingly, if at all. The intent of scholarly writing is to
demonstrate the ability to comprehend, interpret, and analyze information. Direct
quotes do not demonstrate these skills; therefore they should only be used when the
true meaning of the original author cannot be appropriately expressed otherwise.

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