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Essay 1
This essay is a narrative argument. It should be 3-4 pages long, use Times New Roman 12 point font, and be double-spaced. The paper must include at least one outside source, which should be a valid source according to the explanation on valid sources offered by Purdue Owl (see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/553/01/ for the overview, then follow the links on the left-hand sidebar for more specific information). Wikipedia is never a valid source for a college level course. You must use in-text citations and a works cited page, using MLA style citation. More information on MLA style citation can be found here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/)
A good narrative argument doesn’t necessarily have a thesis statement but should tell a compelling story. In this case, you will tell a compelling story about your cultural and family background in order to convey what you believe the definition of “culture” is. For the narrative, you might relate an incident from your time growing up, from your family, or from more recent times–personal experience–that will illustrate what you believe culture to be. Remember, you are telling a narrative, that is, ONE story. You are not seeking to illustrate paragraph points with many examples–ONE story, ONE narrative, should be mined for the main point you seek to convey about culture and your culture in particular.
Questions that might be helpful as you figure out what you’re going to write about: What is your culture? Is your culture similar to mainstream America or is your family background different from mainstream America? You could explore a cultural or religious tradition, symbol, or belief from your background. What meaning does it hold for you? For your family? For your friends? How would the mainstream culture treat that tradition or symbol or belief if they heard you describe it?
Though a thesis statement isn’t necessary in narrative argument, you want to be sure that your narrative conveys your definition of “culture,” and you may wish to state it directly in a thesis statement.

• A narrative essay introduction should draw the readers into the story you plan to tell and make us want to read further to hear about your experience and/or background/heritage. A narrative essay typically tells a story so your paragraphs, while needing a structure, might not contain the PIE paragraph structure you’ve learned about in the past. The main structure of this essay should be relating a personal story from your life that illustrates your concept of culture or heritage.
• Your essay should have an original title that reflects your topic and argument.
• MLA format: MLA stands for Modern Language Association, which provides a format for English papers to follow. The heading and the header are examples of the proper format for MLA style, which you must follow for this essay. The font must be 12 point Times New Roman font. The margins for all MLA formatted papers are one inch (top/bottom and left/right). Your essay should also include a Works Cited page and in-text parenthetical citation. The Works Cited page should follow your essay.
• Remember to transition from idea to idea within paragraphs and from paragraph to paragraph using transitional phrases/words, coordinating conjunctions (i.e. FANBOYS), subordinating conjunctions, and prepositional phrases.
Please upload your completed essay to the forum for peer reviews. This is located in Week 3 under the tab PEER REVIEW-Essay 1. Please send me only the thesis statement or, if you have no thesis statement since this is a narrative argument, you may choose to summarize the idea you are trying to convey or the story you plan to tell.

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