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Acts of Worship

Double-spaced, 1-2 pages in length

(A position paper asks you to express and defend an opinion you have formed in dialogue with the reading assigned.)
after doing the reading assigned 49-70 you need to choose one topic you see its worth talking about and then copy and paste one paragraph off the topic that you chose and you liked, then talk about it and then express and defend an opinion you have formed about this topic.

You have 5 topics, declaration of faith, prayer, fasting, poor-due, and pilgrimage, read about them and choose one topic you liked

Acts of Worship, Haneef, 49-70
1. Declaration of Faith(shahadah)
2. Prayer(Salah)
3. Fasting(sawm)
4. Poor-due(Zakah)
5. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

for the Haneef please go to:


• You are going to be able to read 49-70 from the link above.

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