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Adolescent Paper

Title Adolescent Paper
Assignment type Creative Writing
Discipline Social Work
Description Adolescent Paper (100 points). Write a paper reviewing your experiences during adolescence. Your paper should address significant issues and life events that you experienced during adolescence and the effect these events and issues had on you at the time and may currently still have. (Issues that should be addressed include sexuality, drugs, peer pressure, body image and family dynamics.) How did issues of diversity affect your adolescence? Discussion of at least 3 theories must be integrated into your paper. The paper should be 6-8 typed pages. References should be used in regard to your discussion of theories. Use APA style for citations. A reference list must be included. Rubric for Adolescent Paper Requirements Points Earned Significant life events experienced during adolescence 15 Effect these life events and issues had on you at the time and may currently still have on you 15 Sexuality 10 Drugs 10 Peer pressure 10 Body Image 10 Family dynamics 10 Issues of diversity 10

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