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Analysis of the Case Study Organisation and Description of the Selected HR Practices

The Group Report of 1500 words comprising analysis of the case study organisation and description of the selected HR practices. (The organisation was chosen is one of the Australian Public Service departments this is “Department of Communications”).
Look at the link below to see more information about this department.

In this assignment is required to work to research a case study organisation that they have selected. The Group Report should cover Part A and Part B as outlined below:
Part A
• The organisation’s strategic mission, vision, values, goals and corporate strategies.
• The nature of the organisation’s business.
• The size of its earnings, who its main competitors are and where it is positioned in its industry (for public sector and not-for-profit sectors substitute revenue and expenditure).
• The size of its market in Australia, if applicable (this section is not relevant if the organisation is public or not for profit).
• The organisation’s environmental context, including a SWOT and/or PESTEL analysis. A SWOT analysis looks at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats as applied to an organisation; whereas a PESTEL analysis looks at the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal contexts for an organisation. Both operate to provide environmental context to the organisation’s plans and enable an organisation to analyse where it is today and where it needs to move to in order to respond to changing circumstances.
• The size of its workforce and its workforce profile.
• Any philosophy that defines how it manages its workforce.
Part B
• An outline of the critical HRM issues raised by the organisational analysis in Part A.
• A description of the key features of the case study organisation’s performance management, rewards management and human resource development practices.
• A brief analysis regarding what the organisational analysis (Part A) means for the performance management, rewards management and human resource development practices.
The Group Report may use a variety of on-line resources. While it is not necessary in the Group report to cite the full bibliography of research literature looked at,all sources actually used must be included in an alphabetical Reference List and cited correctly in the text of the report using the Harvard Referencing System.

Assume you are the head of the Human Resources (HR) Department in the headquarters of a case study organisation that your project team selects to study. You have been asked to analyse the efficacy of the performance management, rewards management and human resource development practices of the organisation. As a group, you are to examine, describe and analyse the structure and operation of the case study organisation, including the nature of its business; its strategic mission / objectives / goals; and workforce profile and emographics. You are also asked to describe the key features of the case study organisation’s performance management, rewards management and human resource development practices.

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