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Article Analysis

Assignment type Coursework / Assignment
Discipline Business and Management
Description Hello Please find the attached article that I will use it in my research and you are kindly requested to submit it to a structural source criticism procedure (i.e. discuss its purpose; scope; authority; authenticity; credibility; representativeness; and intended audience). Use clear references (with page numbers) to the document throughout your discussion. In the introduction to the paper, please reflect on how you obtained the source; the type of the source (internal/external; closed/restricted/open; solicited/unsolicited); and what research problem or question the source would help you answer. In the conclusion of the paper, please argue why you ultimately would or would not consider this source to be useful for your research and how the source criticism procedure has contributed to this evaluation. Note: I have attached to you the lecture presentation and it will guide you for some definition, Thank you

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