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Home / Uncategorized / bioethics case study -content– PHIL 443 Bioethics and the Law Memo To: From: Your Name Date: Re: Exam #1: Ethics Case Study Memo Assignment Ethics Case Study Memo Assignment: This assignment requires that you put yourself in a professional situation where an ethical decision has to be made. Write your assessment of the situation and your recommendation in the form of a memo to your employer, colleague, or patient depending on the situation (Please do not write a legal memo). Discuss in the memo your analysis of the situation with mainly reference to ethical requirements and some relevant law. Basically, I am asking you provide an ethical case study analysis but presented in a more formal memo format. In your memo: 1. Tell me who you are writing to in the “to.” Tell me who you are in the “from.” 2. Only briefly discuss the scenario. Assume that the receiving party knows common details. 3. Clearly tell your recipient the ethical problem (issue spotting). 4. Discuss what ethical alternatives you considered (e.g. autonomy vs beneficence). 5. Discuss your selected solution and the reasons for your decision. 6. Discuss, when relevant, how your solution pertains to applicable law. 7. Conclusion: What action do you want the recipient to take? Why did you write the memo? This should be in professional memo format (Microsoft Word has many to choose from such as this one), 1-2 pages single spaced (no more than 2 pages of memo!). Exam #1 Case Study: CHALLENGING ISSUE: CLAIMS OF SIBLINGS – p. 179 Primary focus: Do you think as an ethical matter that Harriet and Henry should proceed with their suit? Brief Secondary Focus: Do you think as a legal matter that they will be allowed to go forward with their claim? ****Make sure to reference your case study in either the body of the document or in a footer*****

bioethics case study -content– PHIL 443 Bioethics and the Law Memo To: From: Your Name Date: Re: Exam #1: Ethics Case Study Memo Assignment Ethics Case Study Memo Assignment: This assignment requires that you put yourself in a professional situation where an ethical decision has to be made. Write your assessment of the situation and your recommendation in the form of a memo to your employer, colleague, or patient depending on the situation (Please do not write a legal memo). Discuss in the memo your analysis of the situation with mainly reference to ethical requirements and some relevant law. Basically, I am asking you provide an ethical case study analysis but presented in a more formal memo format. In your memo: 1. Tell me who you are writing to in the “to.” Tell me who you are in the “from.” 2. Only briefly discuss the scenario. Assume that the receiving party knows common details. 3. Clearly tell your recipient the ethical problem (issue spotting). 4. Discuss what ethical alternatives you considered (e.g. autonomy vs beneficence). 5. Discuss your selected solution and the reasons for your decision. 6. Discuss, when relevant, how your solution pertains to applicable law. 7. Conclusion: What action do you want the recipient to take? Why did you write the memo? This should be in professional memo format (Microsoft Word has many to choose from such as this one), 1-2 pages single spaced (no more than 2 pages of memo!). Exam #1 Case Study: CHALLENGING ISSUE: CLAIMS OF SIBLINGS – p. 179 Primary focus: Do you think as an ethical matter that Harriet and Henry should proceed with their suit? Brief Secondary Focus: Do you think as a legal matter that they will be allowed to go forward with their claim? ****Make sure to reference your case study in either the body of the document or in a footer*****

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