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Budget Paper

Budget Paper

Budget presented on appropriate template. (should be used Hong Kong Dollor and the budget will be HK$ 3 million that donated by Hong Kong Jockey club.)
Budget preiod clearly stated. (including start and completion dates)
Describes setting in which budget is to be applied.

Budget is detailed and correct.
Alternative options using opportunity cost analysis are discussed.
Document shows sources of data used for forecasting expenditure.

Uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
Correct application of APA used for in-text citation and for the reference list.

This is a non-government organisation. I would like to set up a centre for the elderly in the community that need to peritoneal dialysis. The cost will be giving up setting a centre for elderly to prevent osteroposis.

Rent of the centre: waive (provided by government)

The used reference should be published within 5 years

Please give it to the writer.

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