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business ethical dilemma or crime

Find a business ethical dilemma or crime from the news (local or national) and write a paper outlining issues in the event, what the outcome was (if resolved) or should be (if the incident just occurred) and why, and articulate ways the issue could have been either prevented or better handled. The paper must be turned in no later than 11:59pm on the last day of this Module by submitting it through Blackboard just as you did your written assignments. The news article does not have to be current; you can go back as many as five-ten years if necessary to find something that interests you. DO NOT write about one of the events from the weblinks. These research papers should be much more in depth than the other written assignments. I expect that they will range from three to eleven pages and you should use your textbook, outside sources, footnotes and citations to support your conclusions. Word count is much less important than content.

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