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Business law

property rights of patent, trademark and copyright. Along with your paragraph, please also submit the weblink you used for your outside source.
Please read this article and answering why it is important that we have protection for the intellectual property rights of patent, trademark and copyright?
This is the text book . please look at case “GUCCI AMERICA v. HUOQING” on page 36-37
https://books.google.com/books?id=LzF-BAAAQBAJ&pg=PA36&lpg=PA36&dq=GUCCI+AMERICA+v.+HUOQING&source=bl&ots=3FQazkpHiE&sig=m7TLELWFezN9FIFBUvsRh9bUaOg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSqN-6vIvPAhXOCD4KHcc3BkA4ChDoAQgwMAQ#v=onepage&q=GUCCI%20AMERICA%20v.%20HUOQING&f=falseThis article from outside souce and weblink
http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/03/supreme-court-could-slash-apples-548m-win-against-samsung/2.2 Go online and find one article dealing with a specific employment discrimination case. Write a longer paragraph (5-7 sentences) on the facts, issues presented, the ruling, and the reasoning of the court.
this article and weblink “YOUNG v. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC., (2015)”


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