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Child, Adolescent and Family Nursing

Thank you so much for helping for this assignment. Please have a look and try to make a good essay so I can get the good marks.

Essay Part B

NRSG 257 Child, Adolescent and Family Nursing

Critical Evaluation of Artefacts for one of the following essay topics


Evaluate the psychosocial effects of living with asthma in relation to nursing care of the primary school aged child. Discuss how this information will guide evidence based Australian nursing practice.

In part A I submitted the list of artifacts and their screenshot and why you think those artifacts are good for your critical evaluation. Which i submitted 17/08/2015

Part B (Now we have to concentrate on this part please)

The essay is aimed at critically evaluating the content of the artefacts in the portfolio and the importance of using and evaluating evidence-based artefacts, when caring for children, adolescents and their families in relation to current Australian nursing practice. This should include the following;

• Demonstration of what learning was achieved through the content of the artefacts selected for the portfolio relevant to the chosen essay topic.

• Evaluation of evidence and value of the information or message within the chosen artefacts. The essay will demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the research contained in the artefact portfolio. This will be undertaken whilst discussing the importance/value of the evidence-base for future nursing practice.

• This assessment task will allow students to demonstrate their critical thinking and reasoning, as well as their research skills. Students will also demonstrate how evidence based information can be implemented into contemporary Australian Nursing practice.

I am going to include list of artefacts which I used for Assignment part (A). Please have a look

Please include the following questions in given essay

• What are the strength of each artefact?

• What are the weekness of each artefacts?

• What are the limitation of each artefacts?

• How these artefacts can relate to evidence based learning?

• How these artefacts will work for Australian nursing perspectives?

Dear sir, you can use other supportive article’s references to support the essay.

1. APA Referencing

2. At least 25 genuine references from 2010 to 2015 study based,

3. 90 % references has to be research based Journal article

4. Australian and Newzeland based study article preferable.

5. Please have a look Rubric guideline for given topic, I need good grades in this assignment so please do me a favour and try to make a good essay

If you need any other information, please let me know

Thank you so much for you help and support.

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