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Child of Rage

Assignment type Coursework / Assignment
Discipline Education
Description Discussion Question #6: “Child of Rage” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szcsT3pOuBw This video contains footage and information that some may find to be disturbing. If you are unable to work with this information you may complete two (2) of the extra credit discussion posts in lieu of this discussion post. You must inform the instructor of this decision prior to the due date of the assignment for approval. Please watch the video, “Child of Rage” which is a CBS Television movie made in 1992 starring Ashley Peldon and Mel Harris. The film is based on the true story by Beth Thomas, who suffered from reactive attachment disorder as a result of being sexually abused as a child. The video can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szcsT3pOuBw. This video explores the devastating effects of abuse that are seen in children who are survivors. These children are members of our educational community and need to be supported within the home and the classroom. After watching the video please describe the ways that you would need to work with the parents to support the child as part of an overall team approach. How would you work with this student in an inclusive classroom setting? What interventions would you use to support this student? Would you recommend that this student be placed in a resource room setting or in a private placement? Please elaborate on your assessments from the video. Each original post must be a minimum of three hundred (300) words. Each student is required to respond to three (3) classmate’s posts during the week. Each initial response must be a minimum of

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