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City of Houston Preparation and Announcement of Pension Plan Reform

The Communications Report should be realistic with the use of current corporations, political subdivisions, non-profits and other entities, it will be creative on your part as you delineate what occurred or is planned to occur.

Each title has ten sub titles and you must refer back to your book to get an idea of what is to be written and it must be no more than 5 sentences per sub topic also use page numbers from the book.Corporate communications 7th editions By: Paul A. ArgentiTopic: Changing Communication Environment and Communicating Strategically (chapters 1 and 2)
Sub topic
1. How to compete in a changing environment (11)
2. Recognize the changing environment (page 12)
3. Adapt to the environment without compromising principles (page 13)
4. Don’t assume problems with magically disappear (page 13,14 and 15)
5. Keep corporate communications connected to strategy (page 16) Topic 2: Communicating strategically (chapter 2 page 29)
Sub topics
1. Communication Theroy (page 29)
2. Setting an effective organization strategy (page 31)
3. Analyzing constituencies (page 36)
4. Delivering Messages effectively (page 41)
5. Constituency Responses (page 43)Topic: Corporate Communications plan including, identity, image reputation and advertising (chapter 4) page 73
Sub topic:
1. Identity management in action (page 83) conduct and audit
2. set identity objectives (page 84)
3. develop designs and names (page 84)
4. Develop protypes (page 85)
5. Launch and communicate (page 86)
6. Implement the program (page 87)
7. Image: in the eye of the beholder (page 87)
8. Why reputation matters (page 89)
9. measuring and managing reputation (page 91)
10. Corporate philanthropy (page 93) Topic: Internal communcations (chapter 7 page 179)
Sub topics:
1. Internal communications and the changing environment (page 180)
2. organizing the internal communication effort (page 181)
3. Implementing an effective Internal communication program (page 185)
4. Making time for face to face meetings (page 187)
5. communicate and monitor online (page 188)
6. create employee-oriented publications (190)
7. communicate visually (page 192)
8. focus on internal branding (page 193)
9. managements role in internal communications (page 195)
10. communicating about the plans (page 198)Topic: Investor relations (page 201)
sub topic:
1. the evolution of investor relations (page 201)
2. the objectives of investors relations (page 205)
3. types of investors (page 206)
4. Intermediaries (page 209)
5. developing an investor relations program (page 214 and 215)
6. using IR to add value (page 215)
7. Investor relations and the changing environment (page 218)
8. Identity, vision and reputation (page 222)
9. The intital public offering (page 222)
10. the investor relations effort (page 224)Here is an example for your assignment, just say we are talking about crisis communications. this means that you will create, design or plan for crises (with in your scenario) and delineate how the communication has been, is being or will be handled. continuing with the example, you will cover ten aspects of crises communications. your report will refer to in each chapter and indicate each selected aspect within it (with a page number)

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