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Consistency in Education

Assignment type Essay
Discipline Psychology and Education
Description Please answer the following questions: We talk about the concept of consistency in education. What are some ways that educators fail to be consistent? What are the ramification of inconsistency? What benefits stem from consistency. Must be written APA form mat with an abstract one to two pages. Textbook Discussion Question Response #2 Textbook Discussion Question Response #2 (30 Points): In Chapter Six (6) of the textbook, “How to Reach and Teach Children with Challenging Behaviors: Practical, Ready-to-Use Interventions that Work” There are two (2) discussion questions. Choose one (1) of the discussion questions and answer the question. The discussion questions can be found on page seventy-seven (77). Each individual textbook discussion question is worth thirty (30) points. Students will write a one (1) to two (2) page reflection paper to answer the question chosen by the student on each chapter assigned. Using the textbook, students will highlight the points in the chapters that can be used to answer the discussion question that is posed to and selected by the student. The assignment will be completed in APA format which includes a cover page, abstract and reference page.

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