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Contrast theories, evidence, beliefs, and biases

Contrast theories, evidence, beliefs, and biases

The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence, beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following questions:

Define what a theory is. What is the goal of a theory? What are the components of a theory? Using one of the theories presented in the textbook, identify two of the components and describe the relationship between them. Note: Do not use the same components as one of your classmates has used in a previous post.
Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. What is evidence or data? Where does evidence/data come from? What role does evidence/data play in understanding a theory? Using one of the theories presented in the textbook, describe what sort of data might be useful in testing this theory. How might you collect this data? Note: Do not describe the same sources of data as one of your classmates has done in a previous post.
Contrast a theory from a personal belief. What are the practical uses for a theory, and what are the practical uses for beliefs? Which is more likely to represent a bias, a theory or a belief? Using one of the theories presented in the textbook, explain how the theory differs from personal beliefs. Offer examples of personal beliefs that contrast with the components of the theory.


The purpose of this discussion is to help you investigate the ethical theories of Western philosophical thought. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:

Identify and define each of the three dominant ethical theories in Western philosophy. Describe a situation that you have faced recently that presented an ethical dilemma. How would you evaluate this situation and your actions to determine if they were good or virtuous under each theory?
What duties would each theory impose on you if your aim was to act in a way that is good or virtuous in the situation you just described?

In Chapter 1 you studied the three ethical perspectives (relativism, emotivism, and ethical egoism), and in Chapter 2 you saw examples of how to apply ethical theories and perspectives to various concrete issues. The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand and apply ethical perspectives. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:

Define and contrast the three ethical perspectives. How do the perspectives differ from the ethical theories? What does each ethical perspective tell us about morality and virtue?
Think of an issue that has occurred in your community during the past year. This may be a public issue that has generated interest in the press, or it may be something that has come up in your child’s school, in your church, in a social club you belong to, or in your neighborhood. Describe the issue, and then analyze the issue from the viewpoint of one of the ethical perspectives. Apply the perspective to the issue in the same way that the author applies the theories and perspectives to the issues in the text.

The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand how to construct an ethical argument and how to compare ethical arguments to other types of arguments, such as arguments based on political or economic theories. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:

Identify the basic themes, topics, and concepts that make up the discipline of ethics. What are the themes or ideas that unite the different ethical theories? What is it that ethics aims to explain?
Describe how you might apply an ethical theme to one of the following social issues:
Limiting smoking in public places, such as public buildings, restaurants, or city parks
Municipal governments using public funds to build stadiums for professional sports teams
Requiring a private landowner to provide habitat for endangered species on their properties
What is your goal when you apply an ethical theme to a specific real-world issue? Distinguish how applying an ethical theme to an issue would differ from applying one of the following perspectives: economics, politics, or religion. What themes might represent the alternative perspective to the issue?

Applying Theory: Environmental Issues

Your goal for this assignment is to apply an ethical theory to a real-world situation. You will examine an environmental issue and apply one of the ethical theories to understand how human interactions with the natural environment raise ethical concerns. You will do this by preparing and posting a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 12 slides and a separate section under each slide for notes.

Choose one of the following topics/issues and read about it at the indicated place:
Environmental justice/environmental racism (Article: Environmental Justice for All)
Environmental harm/pollution of air and water (Chapter 8 in the textbook)
Waste reduction (Chapter 8 in the textbook)
Select one philosophical theory (utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics). Consider the following questions pertaining to the theory you have selected:
What does the theory tell us about how things operate in the real world?
What is the focus of the theory? That is, what aspects of everyday life (or what questions) does the theory address?
The focus (or questions) helps you think about the topical boundaries of the theory. This course is about ethics and social responsibility, so you should concentrate on the ethical and moral aspects of the theory and of the topic you are analyzing. It may help to think in terms of different realms or institutions. Does the theory help to explain people’s behavior from a political, economic, religious, or ethical perspective? Try to sort through everything that does not represent an ethical question, and address only the ethical issues.
How does the theory simplify complex issues to make them more understandable? Another way to think about this is to consider the elements or concepts that make up the theory. Identify the concepts and how they are related to each other.
Develop one thesis question that applies your philosophical theory to your environmental issue. You will address this question in developing an argument that links the theory to the issue (through your notes and pictures), so make sure you word your question carefully to accomplish this task. Indicate this thesis question on your second slide (the one after the title slide).
Next, develop an ethical argument that addresses your question. Use the text and/or look for academic sources to support your position. Build your argument by writing nine sentences. Each sentence should make one important point about the ethical aspects of the environmental issue you are analyzing and should be placed on one slide each.
Underneath each slide you will also add presentation notes. The notes are written information that you would normally say or share with an audience during a presentation, but that they do not actually see on the slide. Your notes should also make use of at least two academic sources and elaborate on the image and sentence in each slide.
To add notes to your slide, go the section at the bottom of each slide in Power Point and click on the option that says “Click to add notes.” Type your notes into that section.
Make sure your presentation focuses on ethical arguments and avoids personal opinion, arguments based on politics, economics, religion, or topics other than ethics.
Find a photo to illustrate each slide, and post the photo on the slide above the sentence. Search the Internet for photos that are appropriate. Make sure the photos you use are not copyright protected; you should only use photos that are in the public domain.

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