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Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice

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Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the careful and thoughtful use of the best current evidence in combination with clinical know-how and patient beliefs to guide health care decisions (Titler, 2008). The use of evidence-based practice in clinical settings has been shown and proven to improve patient outcomes, staff satisfaction, reduce hospital stays and cost effectiveness (Fitzsimons & Cooper, 2012). The basis for evidence-based practice depends on the utilization of quantitative research as the core basis of evidence. Also, effective implementation of evidence-based practice in health care organization ought to be based on in-depth reviews to help in assessing the shortcomings and the gains caused by evidence-based practice implementation (Munten & Cox, 2010).

Evaluation of Organization’s Use of EBP

The EBP models support an organizational approach to implementation of EBP, forestall incomplete implementation, enhance the utilization of resources, and encourage assessment of outcomes (Schaffer, Sandau, & Diedrick, 2012). In my organization, the implementation of evidence-based practice has been significantly effective. The reason for this is because the organizational policies and culture have stressed on the utilization of evidence-based practice especially when it comes to patient’s care. We have been able to interpret evidence-based research findings into valuable components, as well as present the practice and evidence change, support bedside nurses by encouraging them to incorporate evidence-based practice into their daily care. According to Patter Gale & Schaffer (2009), incorporating EBP into the working environment obliges building up a culture of openness, inquisitiveness, and constant importance on lifelong learning. When evidence-based is incorporated in nursing practice, there will be a great reduction in stress that will result in effective patient care and satisfaction.

Strategy for Strengthening EBP

To strengthening EBP in an organization, Leaders of the organization must be willing to define precisely the objectives of EBP in quantifiable terms. Also, must be able to recognize the approaches to tackle the barriers and enable motivators for change, as well as consider the organizational and stakeholders parameters (Patter Gale & Schaffer 2009).

Nurses Responsibility to further the use of EBP

Nurses has a vital part to play when it comes to improving and increasing the utilization of evidence-based practice. Nurses must be adequately included in terms of policy change within health care organizations to fortify the implementation of EBP. This is because they have the essential knowledge for policy implementation and development by various specifications of evidence-based practice (Satterfield & Whitlock, 2009). Aside from a policy change, nurses also take part in the gathering and evaluation of information relating to different clinical questions (Crouch, Clayton, West, Carney, & Jack, 2011). This is because nurses are prepared with adequate abilities for quantitative research. Moreover, nurses can reinforce the system of EBP through lobbying. This is how nurses push for assets and support of leadership for the different organization needs for evidence-based practice.


Crouch, S., Clayton, S., West, N., Carney, D., & Jack, L. (2011). Creating an Environment to Implement and Sustain Evidence-Based Practice. Australian Critical Care, 24(4), 244-254.

Fitsimons, E., & Cooper, J. (2012). Embedding a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice. US National Library of Medicine: National Institutes of Health, 19(7), 14-19. Retrieved from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23189530

Munten, G., & Cox, K. (2010). Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Using Action Research. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 7(3), 135-157.

PatterGale, B., & Schaffer, M. A. (2009). Organizational Readiness for Evidence-Based Practice. JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, 39(2), 91-97.

Satterfield, J. M., & Whitlock, E. P. (2009). Toward a Trans-Disciplinary Model of Evidence-Based Practice. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(2), 368-390.

Schaffer, M. A., Sandau, K. E., & Diedrick, L. (2012). Evidence-Based Practice Models for Organizational Change: Overviews and Practice Applications. Journal of Advanced Nursing: Blackwell Publishing, 1197-1208.

Titler, M. (2008). The Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Hand Book for Nurses. Rockville MD. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2659/

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