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EMAN 620 Midterm Exam

EMAN 620 Midterm Exam
Completion Instructions:
● Use the provided examination document to complete your examination, inserting the required information where indicated. The exam will include a mixture of multiple choice and essay questions. The point value of each is shown below.
● Your letter responses to the multiple choice questions should be typed into the answer box. After typing in your 10 letter answers DELETE the questions. That way, when I print your papers for grading, far less trees will be needed! (10 questions – each is worth 5 points.)
● Your responses to the essay questions should be clear, complete, succinct and substantive. All conclusions and statements of fact must be supported by specific citation of sources, APA format.
● Proofread and edit your replies for organization, coherence, sentence structure, grammar and spelling. Be sure that you provide sufficient in-text citations to sources and that those and the reference list for each question adhere to the required APA (6th ed.) format.
● Maximum length is 750 words. (2 questions – each is worth 25 points.)
● Insert Your name in the header for each Page.

Submission Instructions:
● Submit your completed exams to the Midterm Exam folder under Assignments on or before the due date.
● Submissions should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
● Assign the filename for the assignment using the naming convention of: FirstInitialLastNameMidterm.doc (with no spaces). For example, ALibertyMidterm.doc.

Multiple Choice Questions:
Directions: Type the letter of your answer to each question in the box below the question number. When finished, delete the 10 questions, leaving only the answer box.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Meta data is:

A. Irrelevant data
B. Data about data
C. Data about geography
D. A specific format for storing data

2. The future of cell phone technology is:


3. In the disasters explored in week 2, a common failed action after the disaster is:

A. Disaster prevention and mitigation
B. Public notification
C. Mortuary services
D. Quick legal response

4. What is not a main component to emergency communications as listed by the FCC?

A. 9‐1‐1 call processing and dispatch
B. Emergency Alert System
C. NOAA Weather Radio
D. Radio / TV broadcast stations

5. ESF #2 is the support function for:

A. Communications
B. Federal Communications Commission
C. Logistics
D. Sheltering

6. Hurricane Ike made landfall on:

A. US East Coast
B. US West Coast
C. Florida Coast
D. Texas Coast

7. Interoperable communications means:

A. All equipment is identical
B. Different units can communicate with each other
C. Strike teams can only talk with their leader
D. All 10 codes used are the same

8. Sources of information during a disaster include:

A. Historical records
B. First responders
C. Social Media
D. All of the above

9. A good rule of thumb in emergency communications is:

A. Use the least amount of bandwidth to get the message communicated.
B. Use enough bandwidth to communicate the message in high‐definition.
C. Deploy the most amount of equipment.
D. Keep equipment locked away to prevent theft.

10. ESF #2 is activated when:

A. Cellular service is disrupted
B. The FCO wants a VTC established
C. Significant impact to the communication infrastructure occurs
D. After #1 because that is the numerical order

Essay Questions:

Directions: Respond to each question below. Provide citations when required. Delete the original question.

1. The use of information technology in emergency management is relatively new. Describe one example from recent years, preferably from within your own world (as much as possible), where technology positively played an instrumental role in disaster management? What would have happened if that particular technology had not been available?
[INSERT ANSWER] Reference List

2. You are the Emergency Manager of Disney World in Florida. At 1 P.M. on Saturday, June 1st 2016. You are in the Operations Center when a message comes in from local Law Enforcement. The message states that a credible threat to the park has been received and it needs to be completely evacuated immediately. At the moment that the order to evacuate is about to be sent out to all staff via the 4G cell network, it goes down. After a few minutes it is determined that the cell network, and land-line Internet is not functioning whatsoever and won’t be back anytime soon..
A) Conduct research into DisneyWorld to get an understanding of the size of the facility, the # of staff and # of guests that would typically be there at that time. Use this to describe and analyze the problem at hand. I want to know the relative complexity and scope of the problem and all considerations.
B) Provide a simple ( bulleted) action plan to conduct the evacuation. I am most concerned about the communications part of this. Provide an estimate on how long it would take you to fully evacuate the facility.
C) Based on the above analysis, discuss what measures should be in place for a similar facility like this. Provide any equipment/systems you would want in place. Provide a very simplified cost estimate for maintaining this capability.
[INSERT ANSWER] Reference List

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