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EMployee Motivation

Assessment Tasks:

“Employees who are adequately motivated to perform will be more productive, more engaged and feel more invested in their work. When employees feel these things, it helps them, and therefore their managers, be more successful.

It is a manager’s job to motivate employees to do their jobs well!” Lawrie Mullins.

“It is a widely accepted notion that motivation is a primary driver of behavior. Human motivation theory describes motivation as effectively laden anticipations of desired situations that guide human behaviours toward these situations.” McClelland, 1985.

There are a number of key motivational theorists (as discussed in lectures). You are required to prepare a report for submission in week 8. The report should include the following factors:

1. A discussion of four motivational theorists of your choice.
(20 marks)

2. An assessment of the techniques used to implement each of these theories to a real life organization of your choice. (40 marks)

3. Demonstrate and determine the effectiveness of the implementation of these theories at these organizations.

(this could include the implementation of any of the elements below:

• Discuss the degree to which the company has managed to achieve set targeted outcomes through the implementation of the motivational theory.
• The degree to which the company has improved its business performance in terms of market share, sales volume, profitability, customer satisfaction.
• The increase of employee satisfaction.
• The decrease of employee turnover. (20 marks)

4. Prepare a range of recommendations as to how the implementation of these techniques could be improved in the future at your chosen organization. (20 marks)

Total 100 marks.

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