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Fire prevention

Complete the table below.
Select two city fire departments of your choice for your analysis.
Comprehensive Fire Prevention Programs
City name City name
Describe the comprehensive fire prevention program used within this department.
What are the positive aspects of this specific program? Address each of the areas in the box. Pre incident Planning-
Loss Reduction-
Pre-incident Plans
Water Supply-
Fire Investigation-
Loss Reduction Information Management- Pre incident Planning-
Loss Reduction-
Pre-incident Plans
Water Supply-
Fire Investigation-
Loss Reduction Information Management-
What are the negative aspects of this specific program? Address each of the areas discussed in Chapter 6 of your text.

Consider the information above and answer the following in 350-700 words each.
How can fire prevention research be utilized to enhance community risk reduction and education?

How could research be utilized to enhance these two programs and ultimately better serve the communities in which they are located?

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