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Modelling and Analysis of Multi-Row Layout ProblemMajor: Msc of Industrial Engineering I need a specialized writer.
Many newly founded or re-located small and medium sized manufacturing firms in our country have several production halls in which all operations are done. Because of this structure, in the facilities design and the layout problem since the width of the halls are mostly fixed, the layout problem turns into an assignment problem. In this study, we will focus on developing a mixed-integer-linear programming formulation of such layout problems. Note that, the general facility design and layout problem is concerned with designing the requirements of departments and placing these departments of given areas within a given facility mostly in rectangular shapes. The aim here is to find an assignment of these departments to rows and the positions in each row so that the defined objective is to be optimized. The problem will be tried to be solved optimally for small sized problems. For large scale problems several heuristic solution methodologies available for assignment will be utilized. Finally, the solution alternatives will be statistically compared against each other.

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