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Home / Uncategorized / Health Information Management training outline and agenda -content– 1. In this scenario, you are responsible for organizing general training for new HIM staff. This week, you need to prepare an outline for the training plan and prepare an agenda for the first training meeting. Your supervisor has asked you to break up the training into 4 one hour segments. Create the outline and agenda in one document. Consider the following training goals in your outline: • Present an overview of the department (departments and staff) • Discuss hours of operation • Discuss who the “customers” are of the HIM Department and the expectations for excellence and quality in customer service • List hospital meetings that involve HIM • Describe ways that meetings within the department are used for important communication • Present HIPAA and confidentiality • Identify the Performance Improvement expectations and culture of the department • List committees of the department • Review of hospital policies and procedures • Review of professional development opportunities, in services, etc. • Final Question and Answer session Design a PPT presentation for the training session outline and agenda completed above. 2. You will be responsible for finding, scheduling and attending two field trips to an HIM Department or some related facility or organization. A hospital will be the first choice, but other options are a clinic, physician office, long term care facility, home health care organization, or other approved by your instructor. write a plan for fulfilling these field trip requirements. Include 3 site options for each of the visits and your planned timeline for completing the visits. Do some initial calling and research and include phone numbers and names of contacts who you will be calling to request these visits. • Field Trip 1 – EHR Exploration: Visit an HIM Department or other facility that uses an electronic health record. For this visit, an EHR software vendor would also be appropriate. A worksheet is provided to guide you through questions to ask during your visit. Approximate visit time: 1 hour • Field Trip 2 – Release of Information: Visit an HIM Department or other facility that maintains patient health information and manages requests for release of information. For this visit, a release of information company is also an option. Approximate visit time: 1 hour PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT

Health Information Management training outline and agenda -content– 1. In this scenario, you are responsible for organizing general training for new HIM staff. This week, you need to prepare an outline for the training plan and prepare an agenda for the first training meeting. Your supervisor has asked you to break up the training into 4 one hour segments. Create the outline and agenda in one document. Consider the following training goals in your outline: • Present an overview of the department (departments and staff) • Discuss hours of operation • Discuss who the “customers” are of the HIM Department and the expectations for excellence and quality in customer service • List hospital meetings that involve HIM • Describe ways that meetings within the department are used for important communication • Present HIPAA and confidentiality • Identify the Performance Improvement expectations and culture of the department • List committees of the department • Review of hospital policies and procedures • Review of professional development opportunities, in services, etc. • Final Question and Answer session Design a PPT presentation for the training session outline and agenda completed above. 2. You will be responsible for finding, scheduling and attending two field trips to an HIM Department or some related facility or organization. A hospital will be the first choice, but other options are a clinic, physician office, long term care facility, home health care organization, or other approved by your instructor. write a plan for fulfilling these field trip requirements. Include 3 site options for each of the visits and your planned timeline for completing the visits. Do some initial calling and research and include phone numbers and names of contacts who you will be calling to request these visits. • Field Trip 1 – EHR Exploration: Visit an HIM Department or other facility that uses an electronic health record. For this visit, an EHR software vendor would also be appropriate. A worksheet is provided to guide you through questions to ask during your visit. Approximate visit time: 1 hour • Field Trip 2 – Release of Information: Visit an HIM Department or other facility that maintains patient health information and manages requests for release of information. For this visit, a release of information company is also an option. Approximate visit time: 1 hour PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT

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