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1. Answer ALL questions.

2. Write your answer in the booklet provided.

Answer All


Choose a web-based system and Evaluate.
Submit a brief report answering each of the questions below:-

a. System Description: Describe the system and provide supplementary links, photos and
Screen shots.

(20 marks)
b. User Analysis: Describe the target users of this system.

(20 marks)

c. Task Analysis: What are the user’s overall tasks or goals when using this system?

(20 marks)

d. Design Critique: Describe how well or poorly you feel the system meet its user’s requirement.

(20 marks)

e. Design Improvements: Propose how you might improve or redesign the product, e.g. web interface, mobile app, desktop app, etc.

(20 marks)

(Total 100 marks)

1 hardcopy and 1 softcopy (CD)

Your report should be structured with the given headings and where appropriate, sub headings. As you are required to present your report clearly and professionally. It is important that you communicate your findings effectively. Your work must contain all of the following attributes:

? Evidence of subject area knowledge
? Coherent writing (e.g. constructing an understandable, creditable, and convincing narrative)
? Evidence of a critical and discerning approach, in particular the use of research material that supports your arguments.
? Organization of the report (e.g. report format, narrative structure, logical construction)

General Instructions
? Your report should be 1000 words long +/- 10% for each question. You are required to use the headings provided and may include additional sub headings that adhere to Harvard conventions for referencing, word count.
? Write references, citations and quotations using Harvard referencing style.
? Submit a hardcopy and softcopy of your report. You are required to submit one copy of the report for the whole group.
? You should use Times New Roman font, 12 point font style and 1.5 spacing.

Marking Scheme
Your report will be assessed in accordance with the criteria listed in grading grid/ rubric (see below).

1-4 Emergent (2)
5-8 Satisfactory (3)
9-12 Proficient (4)
13-16 Outstanding (5)
Did not specify the research objectives. Research methods not discussed. No evidence of research method used. Did not write any research questions which are relevant to the assigned topic. Vaguely specified the research objectives. Research methods discussed but did not justify the research method selected. Wrote research questions which lacked a specific focus, were poorly stated, and not relevant to the assigned topic. Moderately explained the research objectives. Research methods reviewed but limited link made to proposed research. Average justification of the research method selected. Wrote research questions which have adequate focus, and moderately relevant to the assigned topic. Clearly explained the research objectives. Identifies research methods and connects them to proposed research. Clear justification of the research method selected. Wrote well-worded, specific research questions that were relevant to the assigned topic. Research objectives well explained. Critiques appropriateness and practical significance of research methods. Excellent justification of the research method selected. Wrote thoughtful, creative, well-worded specific research questions that were relevant to the assigned topic

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